Part 16

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They bring in 4 huge bags full of stuff

Y/n: Thats a lot of bags

Tsu: And it's all for you guys

Momo: Ready to open them?

You both say yes

Uraraka: We'll first off, let's get you down

She picks you up off the bed and places you next to Eri

Mina: Ok, open the first bag

The both of you open the first bag and it's filled with snacks, drinks and stuff to fill up the mini fridge


You say as you go to grab a handful of candy until bakugo grabs the candy from your hand

Bakugo: No, you didn't even eat yet

Y/n: But i want it

Bakugo: Wait until you eat dinner

Y/n: But i want it now

Bakugo: I said no

Mina: Gosh bakugo, you don't need to act like her dad, she can have a piece of candy

Bakugo: He would have said yes bc he's soft towards them

Y/n: Gimme

You say reaching for the candy in his hand

Bakugo: No

You start to tear up and sit on the floor with your arms crossed

Uraraka: Here you go, don't worry about him

She said she gives you a blue lollipop

Y/n: Thank you

You eyes lighten up

Eri: You're a meanie, get out

She says trying to pull him towards the door

Bakugo: Who gave you that

He points to you

Y/n: Nobody

Mina: Ok ok, let's go to the next bag

You and Eri both open up the next bag and it's filled with pillows, big stuffies and blankets

Y/n: A bunny!!

You grab the bunny stuffie and hug it

Tsu and Uraraka start to fill up the mini fridge so your room won't be crowded

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