Part 5

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Bakugo: We should put them in a bed before they wake up

Mitsuki: Ok

He pick you up and his mom pick up Eri and he goes to his room. They put you guys on his bed 

Mitsuki: They're so adorable

Bakugo: I guess

Mitsuki: Ok ill be down stairs if you need me 

Bakugo: Mhm

He gets in the changes and sits on his bed. He looks back at you guys and his eyes widen. You and Eri's horn are glowing

Bakugo: What the hell?

They stop glowing and you guys wake up

Eri: Where are we?

Bakugo: We're at my house

Eri: Oh ok

You sit up and rub your eyes

Y/n: I'm bored

Eri: Me too

Y/n: Can we do your make up, bomb man?

Bakugo: No

Eri: Why

Bakugo: Because I said so

You guys make your eyes water and look down. Mitsuki walk in


Bakugo: I won't let them put makeup on me

Mitsuki: Awe dont cry

She picks you both you and you guys get on her back and stick your tongue out at bakugo

Bakugo: Whatever

Mitsuki: Your so mean, anyway food is ready

She leaves the room

Bakugo: They're so sneaky

He goes down stairs

Eri: Thank you

Mitsuki: Your welcome

You look down at your food and then make a weird face

Mitsuki: Oh no what's wrong

Eri: I forgot to tell you, she a very picky person. She needs her food separated and they can't touch

Y/n: I'm not picky

Bakugo come to you and separates your food

Bakugo: Better?

Y/n: Thank you!

(Time skip)

Mitsuki: Are you guys tired?

She looks at you guys and you guys are asleep on the couch watching miraculous

Bakugo: I'll get them

Mitsuki: Ok

He wakes you guys up

Eri: Huh

Bakugo: Lets go to bed

Eri: No, I wanna watch 

Y/n: Me too

Bakugo: You can watch it in my room

Eri: Yay

You guys run to his room

Mitsuki: That was quick

You turn his TV on and watch miraculous. Bakugo comes in the room

Bakugo: Go use the bathroom

Y/n: I dont have to go

Bakugo: Just go

Y/n: Fine meany

You use the bathroom and come back to see bakugo sleeping. You lay on his stomach and go to sleep

Y/n: Comfy

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