Part 13

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Y/n: What does bitch mean?

Bakugo: Where'd you hear that from?

Y/n: Denki

Bakugo: What did he say?

Y/n: He said son of a bitch

Bakugo: I'm gonna kill him

Aizawa: Kill who

He says as he walks into the classroom

Bakugo: Denki

Aizawa: Why

Y/n: What does bitch mean?

Aizawa: It means you're happy

Y/n: I'm a bitch

He puts his head in his palms and shakes his head

Y/n: Eri is a bitch too

Aizawa: Can you do me a favor?

Y/n: Mhm

Aizawa: Don't say that word anymore

Y/n: Ok

Aizawa: Good 

He pats you on the head

Eri: y/n look

You come over and look out the window with Eri

Y/n: Its snowing again

Eri: And I see ice

Y/n: I wanna go

Eri: Daddy can we go?

Aizawa: But it's cold outside

Y/n: Please

Aizawa: Fine, go put your coats and stuff on 

Eri: YAY

You and Eri quickly run out the classroom and into your dorm room. Aizawa calls Mirio and asks him to bring you outside and watch you guys. Mirio says sure and he said he'd bring Tamaki and Nejire with him

Y/n: I'm ready

Eri: Me too

Aizawa: Ok Mirio will be here any minute ok?

Y/n: k

You guys sit and wait for Mirio so come

Mirio: Sorry I'm late, I had to find them

Eri: Find who?

Mirio: My friends, Tamaki and Nejire

Nejire: Hii I'm Nejire Hado nice to meet you 

Eri: Hi

Y/n: Hi

Tamaki: I-im um T-tamaki

Eri: Hurry I wanna play

Mirio: ok ok let's go

Y/n: Bye daddy

Aizawa: Later girls

You and Eri rush outside to the park across the street and play in the snow

Nejire: I never knew Aizawa would have kids, must be a handful

Mirio: Yeah probably is

(Toga's POV)

Toga: They're in the park but some kids are watching them

Shigaraki on the other end of the phone: So transform you idiot

Toga: No need to be mean, its cold out here

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