blue ink

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Fujiwara Kenji's huge backyard consisted of flowers, bushes, plants, ponds, a basketball court, a neighboring tennis court, a swimming pool, and anything an adventurous kid could ever want. It was a vast land; it gave him the freedom to stroll and run and dance. His butler and other staff would joyfully watch him and made sure he doesn't get hurt. They would, of course, be heavily reprimanded if the Fujiwara empire's only heir would be in any sort of danger.

When Fujiwara was six years old, he killed his first animal.

It was a yellow little butterfly. It gracefully landed on his palm. His curious eyes watched it flutter its wings that were beautiful under the sunlight. There was a warm glow that surrounded it just like shining gold.

Fujiwara was completely in awe. He fought hard not to move, feeling his arms strain from the effort. He was sitting cross-legged on the neatly trimmed grass. His pants were definitely muddy and he absentmindedly wondered if his mother would scold him for the mess he had made of himself.

Another lazy flutter of wings.

He instinctively knew that it was about to take off, perhaps to now land on a flower nearby. But he didn't want it to go. So he quickly closed his palm to ensure it wouldn't leave. That it would stay because he wanted it to.

A small gasp left his mouth when Fujiwara realized he had crushed the little butterfly. He opened his hand to find it dead, but there was surprisingly very little blood or mess. He let it drop on to the ground and wiped any remains away on his already dirtied pants.

Fujiwara observed its dead body. He didn't feel anything as his eyes took in its mangled body.

But, he was only six years old. He was only a curious innocent boy. And he had friends who were just as curious and innocent as him.

One day, his father had a colleague over at their mansion, his son was dragged along. Fujiwara was delighted as no other kid has ever been invited over before, albeit the guest being five years older than him. He quickly bounded towards the older and taller boy as soon as he entered his home and gave his friendly greetings.

"Hello! I'm Fujiwara Kenji!" He exclaimed with strong enthusiasm and confidence. The older kid warily studied his face and sought approval from his own father before answering.

"Takeshi," he murmured. Immediately he was being dragged into the massive living room by Fujiwara, who was rambling on the many games they could play, the junk food that was stored in the kitchen, and his garden outside they could discover together.

Takeshi felt a little overwhelmed by his eagerness, but willingly complied with whatever Fujiwara desired. Their first encounter was one filled with basketball (though Takeshi was marginally better due to his height and strength), computer games, ice cream, and watching Fujiwara's favorite movie.

"Hey, what do you like to eat for dinner?" Fujiwara asked, now that it was dinner time and night was starting to settle.

"What do you like?" Takeshi asked back.

"Hm," his face scrunched as he scrambled for an answer, "fried chicken and potatoes with gravy!"

Takeshi gave a small smile, "then, that's what I'd like to eat too."

It was safe to say that they had become friends; one where Takeshi felt the need to help and protect Fujiwara, while Fujiwara himself strung him along to whatever mischievous ideas he had. Takeshi was always there to aid him; whether it was to steal a freshly baked cookie for Fujiwara from the local bakery shop (although Fujiwara had access to all the money in the world), to beat up some guys who had made fun of Fujiwara's attire, or to play even more computer games.

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