after the game

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Hinata was having a bittersweet night.

They had lost against Argentina and he was overwhelmed with the emotions of both sadness and content. Sad because his Olympic journey had come to an end, content because he had fought hard alongside his teammates and friends. He had even managed to meet Oikawa and played against him— reminiscent of high school days, the Brazilian beach, and his awe of Oikawa's skill.

To fight with and against friends was truly an honor for Hinata.

He felt quite blessed to have been given the opportunity to experience such an exhilarating and breath-taking adventure. The years of progress from young until where he stood today was one of highs and lows, of accomplishing dreams and heartbreaks. It attested and validated the hard work Hinata had put in to ensure the world knew his name. And to ensure he would stand with Kageyama as he conquered the world.

The team had a silent dinner together as they still suffered from the aftershocks of their loss. They were given a wide selection of comfort food, but it was difficult to truly enjoy it with tears and snot running down their faces. Nonetheless, most of them were grateful to have each other to overcome the tough-to-chew outcome.

That being said, Hinata wondered where Fujiwara had disappeared to. After their match, he had realized that Fujiwara was nowhere to be found in the locker room or in the bus. He didn't quite mind his absence, but something made him feel unsettled. 

"Hinata," Kageyama nudged him. The four roommates had crashed down on their couch and turned on a movie as soon as they had stumbled back home in a miserable daze. They were all wallowing in chocolate, ice cream, and cookies. It made Hinata feel a little sick, but he couldn't help himself.

"Hm?" Hinata grunted back, eyes focused on the movie being played.

"I've been meaning to say," there was a pause and a crunch of a cookie being munched by Kageyama, "your receives don't suck as much right now."

At this comment, Hinata snapped his head to his right where Kageyama was smirking at him, "wow, weeks of practice and games and not to mention, us beating Adlers, made you finally realize that I've gotten a little better. You're really slow on the uptake, Kageyama."

Kageyama playfully pushed at his shoulders, "but I really mean it though. Those years in Brazil did you wonders."

Hinata snorted in amusement, "thanks. It was the heat and sand that magically gave me volleyball powers."

He rolled his eyes in retaliation, "you know what I'm trying to say. I'm proud of how far you come, especially knowing the hard work you've put in and all. It's just... really incredible to see."

Hinata now smiled warmly, "you could have just said that from the start. How could I ever figure it out with a grumpy-looking face like yours."

"I'll have you know that I can't help it. My face is just like this, I was born with it," Kageyama aggressively defended himself, "and it's not me who had misunderstood—"

"Would ya shut it Tobio-kun, some of us are tryna watch a movie," he pointed at himself and then at a passed out Bokuto.

"Sorry," he muttered. Hinata just softly smiled at their exchange and let his eyes wander back to the television. He was unfocused, letting his mind drift away, allowing the movie chatter to wash over him. But it still gave him comfort. 

They continued watching the movie and soon it came to an end. They all just laid there watching the movie credits unfold—all too lazy and not bothered to move. If you were to ask either of them what the movie was about, none would be able to answer. Kageyama was pretty sure they just watched a documentary (they didn't).

They were exhausted physically and emotionally. Their day was a rollercoaster of emotions and it felt never-ending.

"Should we draw a mustache on Bokkun?" Atsumu suddenly piped up. Hinata glanced at Bokuto who was still fast asleep and giggled.

"You're a genius," Hinata replied before standing up and stretching, yawning as he did so, with the intention of finding a marker, "I'll be right back."

He went to his room and grabbed all the markers he had. He managed to gather black, pink, blue, and green ones. Hinata rushed back in glee, a huge smile painted on his face.

As he dropped the markers onto the coffee table, a small snore was released from Kageyama.  Hinata found him fast asleep as well, his cheeks squished on a pillow. He was sure he could see some drool dripping from the corner of his mouth. 


They both glanced at each other and had the same thought:

Let's draw on the both of them.

Their night then consisted of the most artistic of drawings on both of their friend's faces. Atsumu had drawn mustaches, clown noses, writing that "tsumu was here" across their foreheads. Hinata had drawn green volleyballs, given them a very badly drawn pair of glasses, and confirmed that "Hinata is da best" across both of their cheeks.

As soon as they were finished and were able to relish in their masterpieces, they couldn't stop laughing, holding in their stomach that hurt from their unceasing bouts of laughter. Atsumu was able to click some photos on his phone in the midst of their laughter— most of them shaky and blurry.

Both of their victims snorted awake at the loud noise; Bokuto looked confused while Kageyama looked grumpy (no surprise there).

"Wah-what's so funny?" Bokuto grumbled, looking back and forth at them. Atsumu and Hinata glanced at each other, their smiles were painfully wide.

"Why are you guys always so louuuudd?" Kageyama grunted, stretching the last word in whiny irritation.

Hinata decided to grab a mirror and gave it to them. As soon as they saw themselves, both of them had sprinted out of the living room, giggling gleefully as they did so.

"'TSUMU," Bokuto bellowed.

"HINATA," Kageyama yelled, "COME BACK HERE, YOU IDIOT."

Needless to say, their night ended on a high note with a long chase around their apartment. They might have broken one or two lamps, and definitely one or two mugs. But it was all part of the game.

And Hinata felt right at home.

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