home invasion

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*ethen pov *

i was resting my head on the coutch wist mia was reading rose a bed time story

mia " there she's asleep "

ethen " what is with the creepy story she's only 6 months old"

mia" women at the store said it was tradition a local tail "

she hands me the book and I put it on the table side

mia" besides Rose doesn't seem to mind "

ethen " because she doesn't understand it thank god we moved here so that she wouldn't have to deal with any of that remember?"

mia " theres nothing wrong with my memory "

she snaped at me

mia " your just being paranoid "

ethen " im not- never mind sorry but I'm not paranoid I'm just cautious "

mia " then go cautiously take you daughter to bed tell (y/n) dinners almost done"

she hands me rose and walks of into the kitchen

ethen " its ok rose you mother just doesn't want to remember can't blame her"

I gently take her to her room and she starts to cry when we retch the top of the sters

ethen " there there its like I told your mum that books to scary for you"

After a walk around the house I gently put her to bed

ethen " don't you worry sweetheart I'll be right down sters daddy wold let those ferry tail monsters get to you"

I turn on the baby moneter and leve the room

(y/n) walked out of the bathroom limping

ethen " how you holding up brother ?"

(y/n)" im fine are you shore your ok with me staying with you I can mover out if you want?"

ethen " no mia and I insist you stay till you heal"

he looks at me and signed

(y/n)" I just ...... don't want to get in the way of your family "

I hug him and pat his back

ethen " lisan you've done so much for us let us help you "

he smiled

(y/n)" ok if you're ok with me staying then I will"

ethen " ok dinners almost done see you down in a sec"

I go into the kitchen and mia is still working hard on the food

mia " is she ok"

ethen " sleeping like a well like a baby"

mia " how's (y/n)"

ethen " well he said if we want he can move out"

mia " you said no right "

ethen " of course he's my brother "

mia " can't ve easy for him having a centipede chew through his leg ,can't walk without limping and the brace is an eye sore"

she puts a pot of soup on the table

ethen " that smells good whats that"

I try to grab a bit but she taps my hand with a spoon

mia " hands off mr its a local recipe "

ethen " you've gon full native haven't you"

mia " local wine to but if your gonna keep sulking all evening mabe you shouldn't have any"

she pors us both glasses

mia" you need to stop worrying "

ethen " its just so overwhelming "

mia " at lest we are all together you ,me, rose, (y/n).."

ethen " we can't just forget what happened in lueseana "

mia " it happened so long ago I dont get why you can't..."

a bullet hit her in the shoulder

ethen " MIA GET DOWN "

the lights turned of and a bombarded of bullits got shot into her

I hid under the table as the attacers entered

the table was shoved to the side reveling chris was there

ethen " chris red feald what the FUCK"

chris " sorry ethen "

he shot mia in the head 5 more times

ethen " NO"

*time skip*

I was being forced to walk out my house with a gun yo my back

a solder give rose to Chris


chris " packige secure "

he tryd to walk out with my daughter


chris " ethen NO"

solder " boss we have a problem "

chris " what "

a nother gun shot came from upstairs


(y/n) came down with he's revolver ro the back of oun of the soldiers head

chris " (y/n) put the gun down "

(y/n)" get your hands of my DAME NIECE YOU BASTERD "

a nother solder grabbed him and thrugh him through the raling of the sters


a nother solder bashed me across the head with a rife knocking me out

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