the deal

808 15 3

*(y/n) pov*

the final flask was put in the giant chess peas and a walk way if fire lit up

ethen " who builds this"

I picked up the chess peas then me and ethen started walking to the ceremony site

the ground shook momentarily

ethen " whats going on"

(y/n)" I dont know all I know it that this is FUCKING HEAVY"

when we made it there i put the chess peas in the centre of the site and it turned into a elevator witch led to a bridge witch led to the factory

heisenberg " don't worry about the kid winters it'll be fine just get your ass's across the bridge "

ethen looked at me then noded

I pulled out my revolver he pulled out his shotgun

(y/n)" just like old times"

ethen " the only difference ut that the staces are higher "

we slowly start walking across trying not to slip because it had just been under water

heisenberg " ah the winters brothers welcome i didn't think you'd make it past alcina or moreau but I suppose you both survived worse back in America....I like you two id like to speak to you about rose and maranda oh come on its not a trap"

(y/n) " the fact that ne would say its not a trap means it is a trap "

ethen " im not trusting this guy for even a second "

when we walked through the factorys main gates all I could see was rusty tank remanes
every where

the inside of the factory was clearly infested with tetnes

ethen " what the mia?"

I looked at ethen and he found a bord that had all the other lords and maranda on it but also it had mia and chris on it

???" truth hurts don't it"

we both spun around and ponted our guns at him

heisenberg " let me ges your thinking take me out like the other then you get to save rose right "

ethen " we're healing my daughter "

heisenberg " look got this all wrong "

then a loud engen began reving

heisenberg " dame it im talking "

he walked over to a hatch on the floor and opened it

heisenberg " SHUT YOUR FUCKING HOLL im sorry about that"

he then put two fold up chairs infront ot it

heisenberg " take a seat "

ethen and I slowly put our guns down

heisenberg " lisan winters your both being played "

ethen " what are you talking about you think this is a game?"

he looked back at us before throwing a knife at a photo of the tall bitch

heisenberg " I SAID SIT "

he then violently through both of us into the seats

heisenberg " lady supersised bitch "

he then using his ability through the knife at a photo at Donna

heisenberg " ugly ass sico doll"

then he throws the knife at moreau

heisenberg " and the moronic freak dont you get its a test to see if your both strong enough to be a part of marandas family "


heisenberg " nether did I but here we are and I'm next in line right kill me move up the chain WELL FUCK THAT"

he then slashes the blade across the bord cutting it in half

ethen " we don't give a dame about your personal issues WE just want to fix my daughter "

he chuckled at ethens resopnts

heisenberg " so do I do you have any idea how powerful that kid is even maranda scared of her"

the engen reving came back


he removed his glasses and looked both of us in the eyes

heisenberg " you and me winters to gether we go save rose and use in my power and metal army and both of you guys wits well grind maranda to pased "

I looked at ethen he had a concerned look on his face

ethen " ok heisenberg lets make a deal you help us get my daughter back we'll help kill maranda "

heisenberg " deal"

we got up

heisenberg " also your gonna need more then just.... those "

he gestured to our wepons

(y/n)" well what do we need?"

heisenberg " down in my basement there's a bulldozer i turned into a tank you'll need that"

ethen " I get the feeling this will be fun "

(y/n)" you said the same thing when we were 5 and you put a birth control pill into a can of energy drinking "

ethen " oh come oh that was fun"

(y/n)" I know ok you get this tank I'll try cook up something explosive "

ethen " ok see you in a sec"

he walked out the door and took a lift down

heisenberg " what happened to your leg?"

(y/n)" a giant Asian centipede chewed through it"

heisenberg " wow I new i was bad at small talk just not that bad"

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