burning house

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*ethen pov*

After a massive mutant attack me and (y/n) are looking for rose in this village

(y/n)" isn't it weird how we can just reattach our lims eversins what happened at the bakers house?"

ethen " hu I never really thought about it but yes it is weird "

(y/n)" ok I'd say look for a secure place to stay till we find rose"

I nod and we start looking

the most secure place we can see is by a crop feald

ethen " dame gate's locked "

(y/n)" ok we go through this little house and go over the fence "

both of us enter the small shed like house

???" close the door please "

a womon said

(y/n) pushed the half open door closed

ethen " hey what are yiu doing here?"

I walk a little closer and see a man on the floor covered in blood holding a machete

man " stay back"

women " please don't hurt us"

(y/n)" its ok we're not going to hert either of you"

ethen " im just glad to see normal people have you seen any other survivors "

the woman looks back at the man and looks back to us

woman " no there all at luias house and she's not answering and the gate is locked "

mad " quite girl there outsiders"

a loud roar got everyone attention

(y/n) " shit we're sitting ducks in here can you old man walk"

the old guy starts to cough uncontrollably

woman" no oun of the monsters cut him he's lost a lot of blood we have to get into luias house!.... "

ethen " shhhh quite must be a way inside
(y/n) stay here in case more if them come ill see if I can get those gats open "

*time skip*

I managed to get the gates open

ethen "come on its clear "

there came out of there little house and walked through the gate

man " took you dame time"

(y/n)" we helped you don't have to be sutch a dick about it"

the man walks up to the front door leaving me with the woman and (y/n)

woman " he's not used to relying in other people im sorry well be safe in here wont we? "

(y/n)" safer than out there"

After a few minutes still no answer at the door

man " nobodys answering come help me"

the guy fell to the ground

woman " FATHER "

I walk up to the door and knock

ethen " hello any body home"

no answer

woman " mabe a femilere voice "

she then knocked

woman "luias open up its me elana"

the door opened and we were greated with a shotgun amed at our faces

???" stop shouting you'll draw the monsters"

elena" lulian calm down "

lulian " WHO ARE THEY"

he amended his gun at me and (y/n)

elena" frends"

lulian " stay back both of you"

I backed up a bit but (y/n) pulled his shotgun out on him

the old man started coughing again

elena " FATHER for God sake lulian let us inside "

lulian " no they will smell the blood you'll endanger us all"

elena " my father will die out here "

lulian " that isn't my problem "

???" whats going on?"

an older woman walk up to the two of them

lulian " these people whana let a dieing man into our home"

???" come now these people are our friends"

she lets elena and the old man into the house

she then walks up to me and (y/n)

???" you two aren't from this village "

ethen " errr no im ethen and this is my brother (y/n)"

*time skip*

*(y/n) pov*

luia left to get something tea

ethen " the prer I've heard it before there was an old woman in the grave yard

Leonardo " that old hag is as dum as a bag of rocks"

he then starts spasing out

(y/n)" oh fuck this im out"

I run out the room and run up the stairs to the attic

(y/n)" ok ok safe......... wate .......smoke "

the smoke began to fill the room so I jumped out the window and landed on my brace


???" (y/n) are you ok"

I look up and ethen is in the attic window

(y/n)" I've been better "

he jumped down and opened a wooden box near by with a screwdriver

ethen " ok I think we have what we need to get into the castle "

*time skip *

we enter what looks like a mine shaft

ethen " ok what now ?"

(y/n)" maby that big electric door"

I say ponting to a door and switch

ethen goes to open it

???" well well"

we turn and see a man in a hat and trench coat walk in up to us as near by scrap starts to levitate

???" didn't think any oun was left you two must be pretty tough hu "

he threw his cigar on the ground

ethen " who the fuck are you?"

(y/n)" my question exactly "

???" oh you both not local even better "

a large metal pipe then hit ethen in the chest   he then fell to his knees and a rusty gear hit me in the for head making my vision bleary

???" mother marina gonna love you two"

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