Chapter 13

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The stage coach pulled into the town of Boulder, and Matthew parked it in front of the Saloon. He needed a stiff drink about now after the tiring day doing the menial task he was never meant to do. One day soon, he’d have a driver. He decided to check Corinne into a room at the local hotel first. Maybe not. She may try to escape. He decided she’d just have to sit with him. The idea of Corinne in a saloon made him excited. He had other ideas, but he wouldn’t dishonor the woman. If he was going to live the rest of his life with her, he may as well do right by her.

He smiled at the thought that it wouldn’t be the same for the Saloon Girls who entertained travelers on a regular basis. He would have his more personal needs met tonight and then claim Corinne for his bride in the morning. He grinned again at the thought of his favorite saloon girl, Sally, waiting for him tonight. The woman had a talent unequalled in the bedroom. He’d have a few things to teach Corinne.

“Come, Miss McAllister. Let’s get to our rooms and have some lunch in the Saloon.” The look on her face, a mixture of fear and disgust, made him shake his head and chuckle. “Not to worry. Nothing unseemly happens before dark. I’ve traveled this way often. The food is wonderful, and the townsfolk are very nice.” He reached his hand out to help her down from the carriage. She hesitated a moment before taking his hand. He would contact the Parson after he locked her in her room. They would marry later this afternoon. That changed the idea of spending the evening with Sally, but he’d see her right before or right after he spoke with the Parson.

He grinned at Corinne, who didn’t return his smile. “You’ll do well to at least pretend we are happy together, Corinne. I don’t want any more marks on your beautiful face.” He once again took his knuckles across her face, though not as gently as before. “If you keep that look, my hand will be forced to straighten you out. Do you understand?”

She nodded, smiling tersely, and grabbed her bag. She handed it to him. “Shall we get our rooms?” He held his elbow for her and she took it, but only because propriety dictated as much.

* * * * * * * * * *

Corinne distastefully twisted her mouth when she walked into the Saloon. Even though it was daytime, the room still wreaked of cigar smoke, very strong alcohol, and very bad body odor. Matthew sat her near the piano, where a man was making wonderful sounds, but Corinne didn’t seem to care. Matthew signaled the barmaid for two drinks. Corinne hoped he ordered water or tea. She wouldn’t drink anything stronger.

When the barmaid brought the drinks, Matthew ordered bread and ham, as well as potatoes. “And be quick with it, please. My lady and I have traveled a long way and we are famished.” She heard Matthew, though all she did was watch the door, hoping Ryne would walk through at any moment.

“Don’t get your hope up too much, Corinne. I don’t think he’s coming any time soon, if at all. If your Paw is behind us, we’ll find out soon enough. He’ll be here in time to agree to our union. I’m excited! You should be too! We’ll have a great life together, Corinne. You just have to accept that it’s me you will be married to. Once you do, you’ll be content with me. We’ll have a wonderful, extravagant life, and of course, lots of children. You’ll learn what it takes to keep me satisfied.” At those words, food held no more appeal, and her stomach threatened mutiny if he kept talking.

“I need to go rest and freshen up a bit, Matthew. Please go arrange for them.” She couldn’t wait to be rid of the man, if only for a little while. He walked off and was back a few minutes later.

“I’m afraid I have bad news. It isn’t really bad news to me, but you will find it most unfortunate for yourself. There’s only one room available. But, I will give you all the time you need to rest and pretty up for me.” Corinne’s face fell at his revelation. She swallowed a large gulp of water. She picked at her food, but only because she was too hungry to let it go to waste.

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