Chapter 3

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She waited until her parents' voices went quiet for the night. She couldn't believe what her mother was planning to do. How dare she? Wow, she thought to herself. That question had been the one on her mind all day. Corinne crept towards the kitchen and on to the mudroom where the back door was. She would leave. She was grown, after all. She could move to a single women's home, in some other town. What about Ryne? She'd have to figure that out later. She refused to let someone else dictate what she would do with her life, much less who she'd marry!

She would send him a letter. She grabbed the bag she'd set out behind the bushes when she dumped out the water from the wash earlier in the evening. The money for the train was tucked away in her jacket pocket. She was ready to go.

"I can't believe I'm doing this!" She said aloud as she walked down the street, thankful it wasn't too far for her to go. The midnight train was only an hour outside of town. She'd wait in the shadows until it was almost time to board. It felt dangerous, but exciting, and adventurous, too. She wasn't sure if she'd try to get to Denver or Cheyenne, or maybe go east and try to get to St. Louis. That was a ways off, but it would certainly get her away from her mother's wicked plans and that man she was courting. The sudden thought of him made her blood run cold. She remembered the way he'd looked at her, like he wanted to have his way with her before they were married. That had turned her against him. She needed to talk to her Pappa, but he seemed to be going along with Mamma's plans.

"Oh, if I could just talk to ... who?" She went up to the window to buy her ticket. She was glad she had a small stash from helping folks out here and there over the summers. Most girls her age weren't that astute. They all wanted to just get married and have babies, knit and cook. She wanted those things, but more as well. What, she didn't know. She was sure she'd never find it staying here and doing what was expected of her. "Polite society, Ha!"

The attendant eyed her curiously. "I agree wholeheartedly! Where ya headin'?"

"Well, I don't know for certain. What train is coming and where's it heading?"

"The next train is bound for Denver, Ft. Collins, and finally Cheyenne, WY-oming. What's gotcha innerested in going that a-ways? And at this time o' night. Ladies can catch trouble if they ain't careful. I s'pec you tryin' ta get gone in a hurry, though. Train oughta make it here in the next hour, or so. I'll have an escort for ya if ya'd like, ma'am, so's you feel more at ease. Wouldja like that?"

"That is very appreciated, but I think I can manage on my own. How long did you say the train would be?"

"'Bout an hour. Why dontcha go rest at the tavern just across the way and come back in a little while? I think you'll be more comfortable there."

Corinne thanked the elderly gentleman of color, obviously making a new life for himself out West, and she was glad for him. He didn't seem to have an accent like he'd come from the South, but one never did know. He seemed quite intelligent and literate, so maybe he was from somewhere further North or from out West. She didn't know. She figured it didn't matter. She left her bag with him and meandered over to the tavern to rest in the parlor.

A loud bang sounded by the door swinging open and a rumble of sorts startled her into not moving for a moment. Two drunks were squabbling over a poker game, or so it seemed. "Silly men, their liquor and their money." She eased onto the side walk to stay out of the way. The ruckus continued.

They grew louder, and she overheard one shout, "OH YEAH? She's mine! We'll be married by the end of the week. What's it to ya? She's too good for the likes of you anyway!" She tried to ignore the spat but the voice was too familiar to allow her such a privilege. She thought of rushing back to the train. She thought of the note she had in her pocket; it's duplicate on the kitchen table at her home. She was going to leave the note on the front door for him before she left. This particular brawl froze her in her tracks.

Heart of a Cowboy (Heart of Colorado #1)Where stories live. Discover now