A is for Apple

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It was Will and I's 3 years of dating anniversary.

We had planned on just lying around and watching movies.

We turned on The Lion King because....why not?

We were sitting on the couch with a blanket over us and popcorn in the microwave.

When the microwave beeped I got up, got a big bowl, and started taking the popcorn out of the microwave.

Before I took it out I heard Will's voice behind me, "Hey Death Boy! Catch!"

I turned just in time to catch an...apple?

I look up from the apple

"Wha-" I stop when I saw Will on one knee

"Nico di Angelo, will you marry me?"

Tears started running down my face

"YES  YES YES" I screamed, jumping up and down like a little kid

Will stood up, picked me up and spun me around.

When he set me down he slid the ring onto my finger, it was silver with a black diamond, we were both grinning like crazy.

After all of the excitement I finished getting out the popcorn and we sat back on the couch, cuddling while watching the Lion King for the rest of the night.


I hope you all enjoyed this!!!!
Have an amazhang day/night!!!!

Bye Cupcakes!


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