C is for Cold

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It is Winter.

I am a son of Apollo.

The SUN god.

My entire cabin is affected but I'm head councilor and head healer, so it affects me most.

Some symptoms consist of congestion, mild frostbite, mild hyperthermia, shivers, etc.

We have candles, fireplaces, heaters, fuzzy blankets, everything we can think of to keep warm.

One day Nico sent me a letter because he thought it would be funny and he hadn't seen me in forever, it said:

Dear Sunshine,
   Meet me in the Hades cabin later because I'm bored and want to watch a movie or something.
Love, Nico
(A/N: Just pretend it's written in Ancient Greek 😅)

I stood up, shivering from the loss of the 34 blankets on top of me, got on some yellow winter boots, a yellow snow coat, a yellow beanie with a sun on it, and some black gloves I stole from Nico.

I opened the door of the cabin and shivered when a gust of wind blew towards me.

I quickly shut the door and started walking towards the Hades cabin.

I knocked on the door and Nico answered, wearing a simple light sweatshirt and sweatpants. HOW?!?!

"Sunshine, what are you wearing?" He asked, obviously holding back a laugh

"It's cold" I pouted

He rolled his eyes, took off one of my (his) gloves and grabbed my hand.

He almost instantly let go and jumped back in surprise.

"Jeez Solace! Your hand feels like an ice cube!!!"

I nodded, shivering. I told him about what happened to the Apollo cabin during wintertime.

He took me over to the couch and gave me some blankets after closing the door.

He then made some hot chocolate and popcorn, and took them over to the little coffee table in front of the couch.

He sat down and got under the blanket, then turned on a movie.

We sat there cuddling and I no longer felt cold.

This was the start of a tradition every winter and I was no longer cold during that time of year.

Is it not possible for me to write just ONE sad ending?
I can do it easily with literally any other subject, but Solangelo is too amazhang to end sadly.

Anyways, have an amazhang day/night!

Bye Cupcakes!


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