one direction x greys anatomy

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Hiii! This is written by Alexis😈
The Boys of one direction are in this big gang called Infectious disease, this gang is located in Seattle.

The boys of one direction
The characters of greys anatomy set in season 1-3ish
And a couple of Oc's

Harry Styles P.O.V
Louis, Zayn,Niall,Liam and myself where working on the deal that our boss Darren gave us to handle. We were told to trade some of our goods for some of their goods, simple as that. No explanation how to handle it, no explanation on what "goods" even meant but we brought the black bag that Darren handed us, we don't even know who we are meeting. This could be dangerous but that means more money. Darren needs five of us so it's not the easiest deal there is.

When we get to parking lot that we were told to go to their is a single black Audi parked in the drive way. We don't know if we should approach them or let them approach us. Our questioning is answered when the car drives up to us. I roll down my window to talk to them.

"Hi, I am Harry. This is Louis, Zayn, Liam, and Niall. Darren sent us" I have learned that when you meet new people you should always be polite at first. The person driving driving rolls down their window at the sound of my voice and starts talking. "I'm Jimin, This is Taehyung, Jungkook, Jin, Yoongi, Namjoon, and Hoseok. Do you have the stuff" "We do" Zayn hands me the bag and I hand it to Jimin, he looks through the bag and then gets a angry look on his face, "There is supposed to be double the amount of this stuff, where is the rest of it" He shouts Aggressively.

Before I could say anything Jimin throws the bag to the ground and whips out a gun. "GIVE ME THE REST OF IT!" He yells while the rest of the people whip out guns. I try to remain calm as we pull out our guns as well. "That's what we were told to give you" Louis yells from the passenger seat. " Your lying!" Jimin yells as he starts shooting his gun.

I start driving the car away as he keeps shooting at the car, before long they all start shooting at us. Louis, Liam and Zayn shoot back at the car but it's useless, they have more people and more guns. A bullet hits one of our back tires and we start spiraling out of control. I try to stop the car the best I can without hitting anything but it's no good as the back part of the car crashes into the poll.

The car immediately sets on fire and I start to Panic. I rush out of the car and so does Louis and Zayn. Louis runs back in and drags Niall away from the car. Niall was setting in the middle of the back row so he injured and has a lot of cuts and bruises, and his arm seems to be a bit twisted in a not so great way. Louis was about to to go back in the car to get Liam but right before he could the car explodes.

I'm knocked off my feet, car parts are blown in every direction. There is a ringing in my ear and I start to panic, is everyone else okay? Is Liam dead? Is the other gang still after us? One of those questions are answered when I see a gun pointed at my face, " Are you ready to die" I reach for my gun in my pocket but as I do the person tightens the gun on me, so I let it go and just close my eyes and hope for some miracle.

The miracle happens as I hear some other gunshots and the guy on me falls down to the floor. I open my eyes and yep, the guys dead. The rest of the guys appear to be dead too. I look up some more and I see Darren and some other higher up people in the gang there, holding guns, looking pissed. I sigh as David (One of Darrens favorite guys) holds out his hand to help me stand up. I stand up with a wince because my back is sore from the explosion. "Darren is going to be pissed at you" David warns. " I know, I skewed up a deal and almost or did kill one of the gang members" I sigh. I see Darren and Samual( Another one of Darrens favorite guys) pull Liams body out of the burning car, he does not look good, there is tones of blood, and Aton of ash too. "I called an ambulance before I helped you up, we are going to drive a little bit so the paramedics don't see these guys bodies. Darren really likes Liam, he is going to be so mad, Styles." David says while turning on the car that they are going to drive Liam in. "I know, well be there in a bit, we'll find another ride, just take care of Payne." I voice, Darren and Samuel gets Liam in the car and they drive away, leaving Louis, Zayn, Niall and I in a trance.

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