Ch.5 Slick

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Mr.Lee gave me a cell yesterday he said it was mandatory.  He claims my phone wasnt good enough and he needs to be able to reach me.  What the fuck ever.  We went to lunch together.  For what i dont know.  When we got to the restaurant he was weird.  He made sure we sat in the back and i was blocked against the wall.

He kept touching my hair.  Mr. Lee do you mind.  Thats very unprofessional.  So he replied, thats unprofessional how that dress fits on that body.  Ooh i vould slap him.  But didnt.  He might like it.  If you keep this up I will quit and sue you for sexual harassment.  Thats when he smirked.  You really didn't read through the contract did you.  No.  I thought it was an agreement not to reveal your trade secrets or anything personal.

Read through pages 45-60. Articles A
through F, he smuggly replied.  After we had lunch he escorted me out.   Mr.Lee tomorrow  i will be eating alone.  He just laughed.  Read the contract Celine.

I read the contract.  That slickster.  Basically Im his girlfriend/PA.   I cant sue him.  And my contract is for 3yrs.  For example he can hug, kiss or touch whenever he wants.  And it stated that i wiilingly will comply.  If not i will lose all benefits and be demoted. I should hslave read before  i signed.  I didnt know i was working with a psycho.

Phillip was right.

Ring ring.  What?  Open your door.  Mr.Lee why are you here.  Can i come in.  I dont think thats a good idea.  We'll  talk at work tomorrow.   I preceded  to close the door.  He put his foot in the way.  No Ms.Summers.  I am coming in.  You read the contract. Yes.  I sighed, Fine. Be quick.  

He sat on my couch.  Join me Celine he said.  I was hesitant.  Come Celine. I sat down.  Then he laid across my couch.  He put his head in my lap.  And closed those sexy brown almond shaped eyes.  Can you hold me.  Mr.Lee.  No call me Aiko. 

Aiko what are you doing.  Just give me 2hrs. Then I'll go. I complied. It wasnt that bad.  He snuggled closer.  Aiko. Aiko. He was already lightly snoring. Fuck it i was tired to.  And then i went to sleep to.

I couldnt rest.  I had to be near her.  So i went to her house.  She gave me a little drama before letting me in.  But hey im right where i wanna be on her lap and guarding my pussy.


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