Hospital (x Hauxleys)

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As I opened my eyes, rich white lights completely engulfed me.This place didn't seem familiar...

I tried to lift my body up, but failed, only letting myself inhale sharply. I felt so weak. Everything in my head felt like a blur, but for once, as I saw the familiar machines, a sensible thought came to my head.

"Heck, am I in a hospital?"

In the matter of seconds, everything came back to me, the fight, rat, twins, sirens, doctor...


"Well, -- I pondered, -- I have to calm down. Panic is the last thing I need..."

Scanning my surroundings, I noticed that not only was I alone in the room(such a blessing), but the hospital itself seemed quite nice -- unlike the government-funded ones that looked like they weren't funded at all.

Here the walls were squeaky clean and the floors were so well-washed that if I tried just a bit, I could see my reflection in them.

I wriggled, trying to move my body but a burst of pain shot through my back and to my back area.

"Oww! -- I slowly moved back into my place, -- That hurt!"

Uhh... somebody heard me. I hope they're not gonna give me a hard time for that...

"Are you okay, dear?"

The one to come was just a nurse. Her eyes were filled with worry, no, more like half- filled (not to be a pessimist...). She'd seen a lot of kids like me, didn't she?

"Yes, ma'am, thank you. But can you tell me what happened to me? My back hurts"

"One of your ribs was a bit cracked. But no, no, you won't have worry much about that dear", -- as she was talking, the woman changed the needle, through which a watery substance was injected into my vein.

"And there was a little cut on your forehand. We are helping you to recover quickly with the some medicine that will be going in your arm- Don't worry, it's like a mosquito bite! Surely you've bit by mosquitoes before, right?

She didn't want to show it, but she was exhausted, her eyelids halfway closed and her grey eyes devoid of focus or colour.

So, not only schools are understaffed, huh?

A needle quickly pierced my arm, but before any blood could come out, the nurse made the medicine flow into my vein rather quickly, but not that I could complain anyway.

My head was dizzy again. I wonder, where is he?

"Excuse me, may anybody visit me, while I'm in here?"

"That, dear, I don't know. You'll need to ask the head doctor on your case."

"Thank you" -- I weakly smiled at her, as she left the room.

Guess I'm all alone now.

Someboy, someplace underground

"Nugget... Sweaty... Nugget... Tired..."

"No! No giving up!"

Nugget made effort to dig in front of himself, using only his right arm. Though that wasn't because Nuggets arm was hurt or anything. And Nugget wouldn't want anybody to know, but he "borrowed" a particular something from the book shop.

In Nuggets left arm lied a book, with its title barely visible: "Biology 8th grade course".

"Huff... huff... Can't place book... dirty ground..."

Then an ingenious idea visited Nuggets brain!

"Right! Huff! I can... huff... switch arms!"

Such things didn't happen often though.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2021 ⏰

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