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The family sat at the table. It was almost a time for dinner and family was about to eat. There was dead silence in the dining room though - nobody talked or even moved. You could only hear servants preparing food.

The family wasn't bored or anything. It is their daily routine - eat in the silence, not like the other families.

The blonde kid who sat next to his mother stared at the night sky filled with stars. It was gorgeous. The boy knew he wouldn't be bothered for the next few minutes, so he was taking his time.

His thoughts wandered through the depths of his mind, deep like the ocean, but pure like the sky. But there were some clouds in his sky - thoughts about how his family has treated him. They always acted like he's worse, stupider, uglier... And even now, when they all are eating together, once in a long time, they still haven't said a word. Like they care.

When he thought that, someone broke the silence.

"So how was your first day of another year in primary school?"

There's no need to say how much the boy was surprised and happy at the same time. The fact that it was their father who broke the silence only doubled his excitement. A childish smile appeared on his face.

"It was great!" - he answered.

"And were there any new students?"- his mother curiously asked looking at him and eating at the same time.

"Ah yeah, there was a new student."- his brother said coldly. The blond knew that his brother cared. He could see and hear it.

"Oh, and who are they?"- his father asked and gave his brother a weird look.

"Uh... they are a girl... named (y/n)..."- his brother tried not to freak out while looking right in his father's eyes.

"Was she friendly? I mean not only to you, to everyone."- his mother continued the questioning.

"Yes, she was. She even helped that weird kid!"- he answered happily.

"Don't call him that!"- his mom lightly punched him in his stomach, - "And does she know about our company?"

"I think not, according to her actions..."- his brother answered.

"Oh..."- his father responded, awkwardly ending this conversation. Ted didn't know if he should be happy or sad. He knew that they'll have to tell her someday... How will she react? He needed to speak to Felix. He knew that he knew what to do.

My pov:

I grabbed my bag and rushed to the front door. I had woken up a bit late, so now I'm doing everything quickly. I checked my bag. It seems like everything is in it. I've even packed lunch(and that's admirable!!!) and took some money. Yeah, I'm definitely ready!

I was about to leave when I heard my mom.

"Have a nice day!"- she yelled with a cup of coffee in her hand. Then, she strangely smirked, came closer and whispered in my ear " And tell me who's Felix~".

I felt my face heat up. It was the least expected thing for her to do.

"M-mom!"- I embarrassingly said.

"What?! I'm just genuinely interested!"- she half-yelled with a bit of irony in her voice.

I chuckled.

"Just have some good time at work, okay?"- I changed the topic of our conversation.

"I won't"- she reassuringly said holding her thumb up.

The Hauxley Twins, Nugget x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now