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Because of exhaustion, (your name ) fell asleep. In the car. That has been a lot for her to take in. Surprisingly, that was quite good, deep sleep.

After a few minutes of the ride, Felix realized that they still don't have (your name)'s a home address. He turned over to her, only to see her chest slowly moving up and down.

He sighed. What are they gonna do now? He tapped on Ted's shoulder. He turned around and before he could say anything, Felix covered his brother's mouth with his hand. He averted his look to (your name). Ted followed his gaze and put Felix's hand away.

Ted - What are we gonna do now?- Ted whispered.

Felix - Do you have any money?

Ted - I suppose.

Felix - Okay, then.

Ted - Ah... Understood.

             * A few paid servants later*

Felix pov:

Now she was lying in the unused guest room, on the big old bed. Nobody except me, Ted and another few paid servants knew about her presence.

I already have been in here for a bit. Ted said, he had some business to attend to. That reminds me of myself.

I quietly sat on the bed, glancing at (your name). She looked calm with her eyes closed and mouth slightly opened. Her chest moved up and down slowly. And her hair... It was messed a bit, but it looked so soft and fluffy.

Ugh...I was fighting the urge to touch and experience the fluffiness of her hair. It wasn't as easy as someone might think... I don't know... It's just... nobody will see it anyway, RI-i-right?

I was nervous for a second, but I decided to touch her hair anyway. Making sure nobody sees that, I reached out to her face and took a strand of her hair. I cautiously ran my fingers through it. It's so delicate and soft.

It felt so good...And now I'm talking not only about her hair but also about the feeling blooming inside me. I've experienced anything like this before. It was so warm, so good. I just want to stay like that a little while longer.

And now, here I was, sitting on a bed with (your name) in my lap with a peaceful expression on her face and me gently stroking her hair. Everything seemed so calm. I finally was peaceful inside, so carefree, so... just so...good...

I was finally fully happy. I smiled at (your name). It's been just a day and she's already making me feel so special.

Oh, she still has her hairstyle- It isn't that comfortable, right?

Oh well, I guess, that is what she would want...

I carefully un-styled her hair, placing all her hair bands on a little shelf.

After, I proceeded to stroke her hair. I can't... She's just...She looked so innocent, so fragile right now like she was about to shatter into millions of pieces.

I looked at her with worry in my eyes. She can get herself hurt very easy... I wanted to promise her, wanted to keep her safe.

Felix - I will protect you no matter what, I promise. I'm not going to let you get hurt. Never. Ever. I promise every time you struggle with something, I'm going to be by your side. I will never let you go. I promise you are safe.

I gently squished her hair while I was saying the last words. After a few minutes,  I let go of her hair. I quietly sighed.

Suddenly, I felt (your name) moving and getting cozy in my lap. She moved her knees to her chest, so she was sleeping like a kitten. That's so cute!

And now she was fully on my knees, her head leaning on my rib cage. I felt her soft breath against my chest. I think my face's burning. She looks so cute, though.

I placed my hand on her head lightly messing her hair.

                    .           .          .

We sat like this for a few minutes, our hearts beating in unison. I think I'm starting to get sleepy, too.

I was finally showing my real emotions around her. I wasn't even thinking appropriate. I mean like a businessman... Should I care right now? I'm finally starting to feel happy, yet I'm breaking my standards...

*Yawn* Yup, I'm indeed starting to feel sleepy. I look at (your name). You just make me so happy and unique. Even a real businessman would give up all his standards for someone like you.

I tiredly lean back, at the bed. A quick nap wouldn't hurt, right? I guess not. I still held (your name) in my arms, when my eyes closed.


(Your name)it's phone rang. Her mother has been worried sick about her. Of course, for obvious reasons, she couldn't answer it.

When the phone rang for the fifth time, Ted was conveniently walking nearby. "Wait, isn't Felix supposed to be there? Oh, where is he??? I knew he'd run off!"

But when he entered a room total shock filled his body.

Felix was holding (your name)'s waist, her head on his chest, in his gentle embrace. They both were sleeping on the bed.

While he was looking at them, he almost forgot about the phone. He quickly took a photo of them and answered the phone.

The conversation started of (your name)'s mom shouting and crying. Ted stood there shocked for a second, then tried to introduce himself.

Ted - Ma'am, my name is Ted Huxley, (your name)'s, a classmate. She is currently at my home-

Mum - Kidnapping!!!911!!!

Ted - No, no ma'am, you misunderstood me...

Ted calmly explained the situation and she said she will pick (your name) up. Ted gave her the address. He looked at (your name).

(Your name)has just woke up. She looked around, astonished, not able to say a word. She didn't let go of Felix, though.

She looked at Ted with begging eyes. He pointed at the door, then at himself. (Your name) nodded.

Ted walked out of the room.

                       .           .          .

My pov:

I looked at Felix. He still was asleep.

How did we get here? I don't know and don't care. I like staying like this. I feel so warm and safe right now. Like a wave of warmth washing over me.

I don't want this to end. I close my eyes and enjoy every second of this.

Suddenly, I felt someone gently stroke my hair. I opened my eyes and saw Felix running his fingers through my hair, looking at me softly.

Our eyes met. He looked at me with a shocked look, before trying to get up.

I - Felix, stay for a moment like this, please.

I said gently holding his sleeve. He blushed like mad.

Felix - A-alright.

He tried to sound serious, but I could see a hint of a smile on his face.

                     .          .          .

After five minutes, we decided to get up. Right after that, Ted walked into the room.

Ted - (Your name), your mum is here to pick you up. I will lead you to the black exit.

Felix - I will go too.

Ted - No, I need to talk to (your name) in private.

Felix sighed.

Felix - Alright.

I - I guess, it's a goodbye, then.

Felix - Yea, bye.

He looked a bit sad...

We walked out of the room.

Ted - So I wanted to talk about...

The Hauxley Twins, Nugget x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now