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My pov:

We walked out of the room and went into some sort of side corridor. It was a dark red color with a gold-colored pattern. On the walls, there were beautiful paintings, most of them were with horses. We were silent for some time until Ted spoke up in a quiet voice:

Ted - So, I wanted to talk about my brother.

Oh no... He saw us... Oof...

Alright, calm down. He won't be angry, will he?

I - Y-yea?

I felt sweat drop down my spine. Eeek... I could feel the tension between us. I bet he could, too.

He was looking at the floor, probably choosing words. He suddenly stopped walking and faced me.

The last sunshine was beaming through the window, making his black eyes look like they are shining. I could see a whole world in them... They were overwhelmed with hope and happiness. He smiled the most cheerful smile I've ever seen and said:

Ted - I want to thank you.

I - Huh... But I didn't do anything you should thank me for...

Ted - You completely changed my brother, ( your name)...

At this point, I was completely speechless. Me? Change Felix? In one day??? Pff... It's impossible.

I - But how, how could I change a person in one day..? Ted..?

He sighed. Then, he spoke in a quiet tone.

Ted - Felix never opened up to someone, yet smiled or blushed... unless it was for business, of course.

I - Oh...

I got dragged down by this. Thinking only about business...

I - Wait, what kind-

I suddenly felt his palm next to my mouth shutting me up.

I noticed there was some sort of servant walking right towards us.

Ted's pov:

I quickly tried to think of a plan, Joe moving right to us. Uhh... I think the library is this door, right?

Yass! What a relief!

We quickly ran into a library. I looked over to (your name). She looked shocked but understood what was going on.

I dragged(your name) around the corner and hid there with her. Joe noticed the library door open and slowly walked in. He looked around.

Did he suspect something? Yes, definitely.

Do I have a plan? No, I don't.

He shouldn't have been here! It's time for him to clean downstairs. If I say that to him, however, he will probably ask what am I doing here...

He is getting closer... What do I do?

Wait! Do I have money? I could pay him!

I reached in my pocket. Frick. Only a few cents...

I wanted to cry at this point. And he is getting closer...

OH YAH! I have an idea!

I tossed a coin away, distracting Joe. I've seen this in a game before.

(Your name ) and I quickly ran out of the library before Joe could notice anything.

My pov:

I think I forgot how to breathe.

I was still holding Ted's hand when we ran out of the library. He was dragging me down the corridor. Obviously, I got no time for seeing paintings which made me dissatisfied. At least we escaped that servant.

The Hauxley Twins, Nugget x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now