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" so whats the other part Freddy?," Jinxx ask, tone curious

the man in question thought for a while and then say," some of us need to enter at the heart of the base who's up to that?"

Zave spoke this time," im up to it," with a tone of determination ad seriousness.

Matthew Bellamy look at the man and said," you sure, this operation needs no failure,"

," im pretty sure im up to it Matt i know failure is not an option," the Kerbera marksman said, looking at the one who questioned him.

Andy has his arms crossed listening,carefully

," very well then before Zave will enter he,Syn., Matthew Bellamy will help by sniper, M. Shadows and Ryan Tedder using a tank Eric and myself in a warthhog and Jinxx with Andy giving Air support," the weapons expert said.

they all agreed to it

," alright then are you guys ready to kick some ass?" Freddy ask his comrades

Andy replied," you know we are born ready Freddy," with his well known smile and a look of serious but happy to do it.

******************WITH SEIKE**************

The Field Marshall was already ready and went to the front lines to his troops. he came to the middle east and went to a tent.

,"Field Marshall Sir,"  a Sergeant Major said, saluting him

Seike ask," what do we now?," coming into the tent that shows a hologram map of the battlefield

," we lost a quarter against the rebellion I don't know what are we gonna do now they know our tactics," a warrant officer replied

The Field Marshall looked at the map for a moment before saying," the counterattack for their battle tactics: we need to make them think we are doing a normal attack and then surpsied them with a different attack quickly they will no see whats coming; we can use the dark of the night to move," also knowing it gives sandstorms on very rare occasions cause they where close to the border of Africa as well," and if there is sandstorms we can use that as well.

The rest just listen to the tactics that the field Marshall was laying out while talking and showing where on the map.

**************WITH FREDDY AND THE OTHERS*****************

Freddy and the others were in positions, when finding the army lead by a former member of the rebellion.

Knowing if they found and fight them will stop the attacks in one campaign.
,"Andy, Jinxx, Ryan, M.shadows  ready?," Freddy ask through the communicator

Andy reported," Jinxx and I are ready,"

,"Same goes for me, and M.shadows" Ryan replied

The weapon expert replied," okay, good Matthew, Zave and Syn,?"

Zave followed," yes, I too I'm ready,"

," ready to kick some ass," Matthew Bellamy replied

Synyster Gates answers," likewise,"

Freddy replied," alright then, it almost time," sees it almost see; Eric Foxx was on the turrent of the car waiting too

," Let's do this," the weapon expert thought.....

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