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the scouts were going where the marksman was hiding.

," Zave stay put don't do anything stupid," said, through the communicator

the kerbera marksman replied,"if I don't do anything...

," just don't,"

time seems to pass til a sound was heard and body fell

," your welcome," Synyster Gates said calmly

One of the scouts were dead and the other wounded which he left to report what happened

Zave sighed in relief,"okay, but its not done yet the army is next,"

," yes, the army is ready to come, you guysready to rock?," Freddy ask his comrades

the others agreed to the question

some of them move into another position

when the army move to the remains of a city a shot rang out and killed a soldier

," hold! ," the enemy commander ordered the army did and ordered parts of the army go to separate sides

shooting came about one by one til the enemy began shooting to everywhere ; when the shooting was intense for the rebels but at the same time the enemy shooting at nothing.

," cease fire!," the commander ordered,when the shooting didn't stop," I say CEASE FIRE!,"

the shooting stopped

at the hide out from the top of the building

," do you have any plan?," Matthew Bellamy ask Syn.

Syn replied," something risky but let's do it anyway,"

," okay, then let's do it," the other marksman replied, ready to continue

the commander look, waiting to see what happens next

,"let's split up to take this part down ready," Syn said to the other two

Zave nodded," we were born ready syn let's do it,"

the plan was put to action to kill their part

during the firefight the leader manage to injured Zave in the shoulder

," ngh!," Zave fell backwards his sniper fell, his hand went to his injured shoulder he heard the two voice of syn and Matthew through the communicator

the marksman replied,"I'm...okay guys I'm okay, "

he sat up on the edge of the building still covering himself from the shooting holding his injured shoulder which was dripping with blood

The shooting to the car still was going on.
Freddy was avoiding the shooting at best he can while Eric shoot the enemies not missing
," shit...shit," The weapon expert thought avoiding the obstacles
a bullet landed on Eric's side which the exclaim in pain of the demolition expert brought Freddy back til reality
," fuck...," Eric groan in pain
Freddy answer," Eric just hold on man don't die on me!,"
," something! I'm gonna hold on as long as I can just do...what you have in mind," The demolition expert manage to say the bullet was almost close to the joint of the leg an artery.
,"okay, okay where should we go neck," The weapon expert began thinking
they heard the general order to kill them

both the leader and second in command of BVB was using guerilla warfare against their part of the army they managed to kill a quarter of it.
," what should we do now Andy?" Jinxx said panting they were using a building as a cover
Andy look at his surroundings to come up with something he too was exhausted for using guerilla warfare
the other waited for what his leader comes up with

," i got something," Andy said

Jinxx replied," okay, what it is it so we can finish them off,"

~~~~~~~M. SHADOWS & RYAN TEDDER~~~~~
the two men were using the tank on their part they manage to hold on longer than the other pair of comrades. which they kill their part almost half; when they almost finish three enemy soldiers went behind of the tank and put a C4.

," oh shit let's get out of here," said, also ready to kill the enemies still Ryan Tedder follow suit...

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