Chapter 4

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Nikolai's POV:

I'm a bad father. 

My little girl collapsed because of me.

 I'm staring at her through the hospital window, lying on that bed, looking so pale it scares me. I can't bring myself to go inside. I screwed up big time—I let my anger take over, and now my sweet angel is paying the price. 

I dread the moment she wakes up, fearing she'll hate me for what I've done.

 But there's something else bothering me too. What's with that bruise on her stomach?"

Sofia's POV:

When I finally blinked my eyes open, the room was filled with the presence of my family. 

My brothers sat on either side of the bed, their eyes fixed on the blank wall. 

But where was Phoenix? Did he not care about me? Was I nothing more than a burden, unworthy of his attention?

 I fought to hold back the tears threatening to spill, and I succeeded.

Scanning the room, I searched for my papa, but he was nowhere to be found either. Would he abandon me after seeing the bruise? 

Negative thoughts flooded my mind, echoing Sir's voice. 

Tears welled up again, but before they could escape, my brothers noticed my awakening and turned to me, their expressions filled with alarm. Everyone seemed to be gazing at me with a mix of concern and pity.

I loathed my existence in that moment. I despised myself. Why couldn't I just end it all? Wouldn't everyone be better off without me? Why was God prolonging my suffering? 

I couldn't breathe, my lungs were shutting down on me once again.

Third person's pov: 

 Someone needed to calm Sofia before she fainted but they were all clenching their knuckles, as they couldn't handle their anger and sadness. They didn't know how to handle their fragile little sister. 

Leonardo composed himself and sat his sister in his lap as he was playing with her hair.

" Bambina, look at me you're fine, you're okay. We're all here with you,  we won't ever hurt you, papa was just angry because of the bruise on your stomach he's just scared for you he adores you neonata. We all adore you, you are our principessa. We could never hurt you"

She stopped crying and accepted the comforting hug of  Leo and a few seconds later everyone joined as they were placing multiple kisses on her.

" Can I see papa is he here? Is he mad at me? Did he leave me because of the bruise? " Sofia breathed out.

Ryan replied with a gentle smile:" No piccolo  he's here he just left before you woke up to take a call" 

He lied and she knew.

She nodded sadly but then lit up when Luca said:" Don't worry caro  I will tell him you're waiting for him I'm sure he'll come running" Everyone laughed at their sibling's last sentence.

Luca left the room to search for his papa.

Sandro approaches his little sister to hold her hands but she flinches which gets the attention of her brothers beside her. 

Sofia gulped as she saw all eyes on her, she knew that they were gonna question it. 

Sandro then spoke up:" Why did you flinch neonata ?

She lowered her head not knowing what to say also started fidgeting. 

Then her papa entered which led to Sofia looking up with a wide smile. 

As Nikolai entered he started getting nervous looking at his beautiful daughter but what he wasn't expecting was a tackle from little hands.

 Sofia was hugging her papa while crying, she thought that he left her 

Nikolai bent down as he took his princess in his arms tears were going down, she then placed her head in the crook of her father's neck sobbing. He was shocked by Sofia's reaction, he didn't expect her to hug him after what he did.

" I am so sorry bambino, I never wanted to hurt you I love you so much," said her papa

" It's okay papa, you didn't do anything and i love you too, please don't ever leave me" whispered Sofia

"Let's get back to my question caro. Why the hell did you flinch and also those bruises who did them? " said Alessandro in his stern voice

"You better be honest with us eh?" added Ryan

" We promise to protect you and love you but you have to tell us the truth," spoke Leo

"Okay I will tell you everything but not here" Sofia breathed out

"Let's get you back home estella"  Gio said.

They sat down and all gathered around the living room but one very important person was missing which got Sofia's attention

" Phoenix isn't here" Sofia said with a hushed voice sadly.

All the brothers sight at Pheonix's absence and cursed him for making their baby sad.

"Okay, go on Sofia tell us what happened back there." their papa said

Sofia nodded and began breathing in and out, it was hard for her to tell her story to the family but she promised to tell them everything 

Or maybe not everything....

Sofia's POV:

I don't remember anything before I turned 7, but when I turned 7, that's when they... they... um... they started, I breathed out, feeling a rush of memories floods my mind. 

My head throbbed with pain, but then my papa gently placed me in his lap, whispering soothing words until I calmed down, which took about three minutes.

"They were starving me and locked me in the basement just for asking for food. I had nothing—no blanket, no mattress, not even clothes to wear. For a week, they'd only give me three tiny, repulsive meals."

I paused, collecting myself before continuing.

"Then they started beating me, slapping me, and even pouring boiling water on me, leaving this scar," I pointed to my shoulder, where the burnt mark lay. 

"By the time I was 10, the punishment grew worse. They'd choke me, stab me with knives, and use other gadgets to hurt me. They'd tie me up with chains, kick me, and burn me with cigarette ends."

Tears streamed down my face as I recounted the horrors of my past. 

The room fell silent, my brothers staring at me with a mixture of shock and sorrow. 

My papa's embrace tightened, and his soothing words became a lifeline.

"You don't have to go through this alone anymore," he whispered, his voice trembling with emotion. "We're here for you now, and we'll never let anyone hurt you again."

I looked up into his eyes, searching for any hint of doubt or pity. All I saw was unwavering love and determination. My brothers, too, were no longer fixated on the wall; they were focused on me, their expressions fierce with resolve.

"I know it's hard to believe," my oldest brother said, his voice soft but steady. "But we're going to make sure you're safe. You don't have to be afraid anymore."

"We're here for you sorellina" Leo said while others nodded and agreed 

For the first time in a long while, I felt a glimmer of hope. Maybe, just maybe, things could get better. The thought was fragile , but it was there.

"Thank you," I whispered, my voice barely audible. "Thank you for believing in me."

Her abusive past: the long lost princessWhere stories live. Discover now