Get up

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Fearing a competition is okay, but what is not okay is not making yourself strong enough to face that fear.
- Pooja Agnihotri

Even the knowledge of my own fallibility cannot keep me from making mistakes. Only when I fall do I get up again.
- Vincent Van Goth

As long as you want the belt, don't run away from the fight. Do what it takes to win the battles you face.
- Israelmore Ayivor

If someone or something no longer tastefully seasons your soul, get up from the table and go.
- Christine E. Szymanski

It's not your time to play around, it's a time to get up and do something precious to create your own delightful life.✨
- Shaa Zainol

Sometimes when you are in the lowest part of your life, you gain the greatest wisdom.✨
- Christine Willson

It took me a lot to be this person that I'm now , I lost I cried I had been broken, but I got up I tried I tried I tried and tried, then I succeeded now I'm the winner.
now I'm smiling I been healed ، I believe in getting up and get the job done .
- Lina


Are you an active person or non active person, as for me I'm so active I can't sit doing nothing I adopted this habit from long time now , I always keep myself busy, for me being busy it's important.
like today I have no work it's my off day , so I was making a List of thing to do in my off day .

- So are you an active person or not ?

Thank you for reading

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