Chapter 9

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He doesn't move on from his first love, well there is a saying that first love never die. I didn't react at anything they are saying I am just looking at the tv while eating my ice cream. It makes me wonder though is it nice to be love back? I have girlfriends before but it's just a temporary relationship and I know love was not involved at those so I wonder how it feels? I don't think I'll have a answer at that.

Those two are talking a lot and it is already time for dinner when they stop talking to each other, I made an beef salad and fried rice. Mrs. Afify doesn't came today so I cook for us I don't know if Hanz will eat this.

"Cydrix it's time to eat dinner, come here" I shout from the kitchen.

Cydrix's POV

When Evren called me I can sense that my cousin was glaring at me.

"What?"I ask while widening my eyes.

"I am completely an wind right now, I am the one who's married with him but he care about you more" My cousin says that make me look at him in confusion.

"You didn't want to be with him right? The both of you are pretending for your father's sake " I answered at him honestly and I know that Evren might end up getting hurt here especially if he know that my friend likes him. I stand up and directly walk towards the kitchen, he already set the table and I knew that he is the one who cooked the dishes.

I sit down beside him, Hanz entered the kitchen and he sit at the chair that was opposite on Evren chair.

"Let's eat, Hanz if you can't eat the dishes that I cook I can call some restaurant to deliver something you like"Evren said while putting fried rice on my plate.

"I'm fine, I'll eat this dishes so it won't be wasted" Hanz replied with a poker face.

"As if you don't waste the one that you threw on the floor earlier"Evren whispered  but I can heard it, I was just thinking about what Evren will be up to by living here awhile ago and I already got the answer.

"Don't give up " I whispered near him, he look at me with a assurance smile.

Evren's POV

Cydrix's word hype me up a bit.

We started eating quietly and after we finish I clean up the table and Cydrix help me to wash the plates again.

"You can sleep here Cydrix, my bed is big enough for us" I said.

"Ok, I'll stay here then"He replied.

After we finished washing the dishes we go at my room.

Cydrix's POV

This is the basement, what the heck did my cousin do?

"Evren I'll talk to my cousin for a bit"I said and go downstairs. I think he is in his room so I knocked, after the five knocks he finally open the door. I directly go inside and locked the door.

"What the hell are you thinking Hanz? I let my friend helped you out with your problem but instead of giving him the most comfortable room, you let him sleep on the basement" I stated immidiately.

"He is not complaining" He replied with a straight face.

"He's not complaining but it doesn't mean that he like that place, you're heartless I can't believe these things " I stated again then walked out of his room to join my friend.

"Where do you want to sleep?"asked by Evren.

"I'll be on the right side" I replied then lay at his bed.

He lay on the other side and I asked him, " are you comfortable being in this room?"

He replied, " at first I am not comfortable because there is so many dust and it makes my nose itchy but after cleaning it was quite nice"

He still looking at the bright side of everything,we talk for hours until our night have ended.

At the morning

Evren's POV

I woke up earlier than my alarm, I quietly get down of the bed and started cooking our breakfast and lunch .

For breakfast I cooked garlic rice, egg, bacon and ham while for Hanz lunch I cooked chicken curry.

After I finished cooking I wake Cydrix and Hanz then we started eating. I know Hanz doesn't like my food does he want to spit it? Can he swallow it?

Forwardly after eating the breakfast, Cydrix bid his goodbye then he left me and Hanz in the dining table.

I was about to eat again when someone knocked on the door, I stood up then I saw Hanz parents.

"What are doing here with that luggages?"Hanz asked.

"Our house is under renovation and it the dust was triggering my allergy so we decided to stay here temporarily"Mr. Blaine  stated.

"As if I can declined at this state, you already bring your thing with you"Hanz said then rolled his eyes.

"Where can I sleep? I am so sleepy"Mr. Relish asked.

"You can take the first room upstrairs,the one with the beige door" Hanz replied while his parents started walking upstairs.

"You'll sleep in my room for awhile so they wouldn't suspect us" Hanz whispered and I just nodded trying to keep my happiness inside of me.

At 8:30, Hanz parents go at the kitchen and I serve them the same breakfast that I cooked earlier. Hanz is about to go when I called him and give his lunch, he was hesitant at first but since his parents are looking at him he grabbed it then take his leave.

That scenario goes for a month and now his parents are already moving out and I will also start my job. For a month nothing change at all, when I was told to sleep at Hanz room I didn't expect that he will let me sleep beside him. I was already prepared to sleep at the floor, at his bed I distance myself but at ended up cuddling Hanz at the morning luckily he doesn't felt it.

Now that his parents are was gone I am going back in room and I don't know of I can still cook for him.

Today is Saturday, 6:30 am. I woke up at 4:30 so I can cook Hanz lunch though he might not take it now because his parents was not here anymore. I leave his lunch at table.

When I am already taking my leave I saw him walking at the kitchen, " Hanz, I'll leave now. Your lunch is at the table" I said and run into him to hug him then take my leave before he can say anything. I am so nervous so I need someone to cheer me up.

My heart is pounding so fast and it double up cause I can't see some taxis . I don't want to be late for my first day.

Luckily Hanz is on the way for his work as well so I tell him to drive me at the Frosty Cafr.As soon as he stopped the car at the cafe I run rapidly inside. Thanks to Hanz I arrived at the right time, I notice that this cafe was just next to Hanz company.

I wanna kill Cydrix at the time that I knew that this is not a office work but I realized that this job can also help me. I work as a waiter through the day until it is already 9 pm so I can go home now.

At Hanz's house

Hanz is already here but I am so tired so I was about to go upstairs when Hanz speak up and says,"sleep at my room, your room was still dusty" I nodded then directly take a bath at Hanz bathroom for awhile then I lay at the bed.

"What do you want for dinner?"Hanz asked from the outside of the room.

"I'll cook" I says then go at the kitchen to cook something.

"What do you want to eat?"I asked him, I am already tired but I want to cook for him.

"Let's just have a delivered food"He said, I forgot his parents wasn't here anymore so he don't want my food again.

"I'm actually sleepy you can order something for yourself, I'll sleep now"I replied then get inside of his room to sleep. 'Evren please stop cuddling Hanz he might caught you someday then kicked you put of his house' I said to myself then started to sleep.

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