Chapter 12

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Third Person's POV

Evren was still on the hospital for some body check up but he is already fine. At those time Cydrix always stick with him and guarding him like his personal nurse and bodyguard.

"You can go home later but I suggest that you should lived on our dorm for a week"Cydrix said.

Evren nodded on the idea

NOTE:play the song above, put it on 02:24.

Hanz's POV

It is already three days ago when Evren left my house and Shaine was always following me around, I should be happy with this but I am not.

Everytime I woke up I am looking for Evren's presence, his voice and the food he cooked for me.

I don't know the reason that made him leave my house and I don't know where I can find him, his not in his house or in his workplace. I can't find him and I must admit that I miss him.

When Cydrix called me I said that I don't care about Evren but deep inside of me it's saying the opposite, I didn't even thought that he will really leave me.

Nowadays I am just thinking of him and I thought if he'll saw me again I will only make him sad and in the end I will be left behind again like what my first love done before.

I may like him a bit but I don't know what I really felt right now because I know that I'm not gay.

Evren's POV

I'm hurt but isn't it wrong to left him without asking him about what I've heard and it seems like he will say something in continuation. I still need to clarify everything so I can be at peace, I can just pay him back for everything when I become successful.

Afterall he doesn't know anything about my feelings for him and it's not his fault that he can't love me the way I love him because he hates someone like me. I should just stay composed and act unaffected that time.

He looks more cheerful when his first love appear and I saw them eating their favorite  ice cream too, I envy Shaine. She's a woman and I am not , they'll make a perfect couple while mine was just an imaginary one. How rude this world can be. Fuck stereotypes and those close minded people in the world where I live.

Hanz's POV

I'm checking Evren at his house right now, I saw him laughing with Cydrix. I can't go infront of him for some unknown reason.

They're laughing when another man comes out from Evren's house, I think he is close to Evren because he's is backhugging Evren right now. It is making me sad and angry at the same time. Did he left my house because of this man?It hurts, why didn't he tell me so I won't look like a crazy man who looked for him everywhere . They  look good together, I hate gays but seeing this scenario was breaking my heart into pieces.

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