Chapter 14

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Jasper’s pov

My ribs throb as I take up a defense stance while my wraith takes her position at my shoulder. Ren starts shouting at me and I give him a pointed look - a get out of here. I wasn't lying when I said the location doesn't add up.

I face the adamantine wyvern, growling low in my throat. Everyone starts running in pairs to the entrance. Magic flares around my arm, a first in many years. Something deadly. Deadly to dragon-kind. The adamant beast sways it’s head seductively - like a snake. I roll my eyes and sigh.
“That ain’t gonna work tough guy.” I mutter, steadily backing towards the entrance.

Unfortunately for me the damn beast has decided that it doesn’t like the fact that I was strong enough to kick it away as it lunges at me. Full on lunges, intent on ripping me to shreds. That magic lights up my arm again, I smirk, meeting it head on. The impact sends me flying, cracking a wall - and my ribs. I cough, spitting out a mouthful of blood and glare at the beast. It flares it’s wings, preparing for a final blow. Welp.
“Beastbane.” I say calmly.

My magic ripples along my arm, burning through a centuries old glamour. Great. I’ll have to fix that before I make my escape… 

The wyvern sways uncertainly before it narrows it’s eyes and hisses, lowering it’s body to crawl along the wall towards me. With a ferocious roar, the Adamantine beast rears up, snapping at me from above. Probably intending to ‘snap my neck’.

Instead it gets hit with an attack that rips clean through it’s scales, leaving me with a confused, slightly dazed, half of a wyvern. It slumps to the side, falling off the ancient pathway with a grinding clang. I hiss in irritation and yank the bomber jacket from round my waist on before hightailing it out to the witch camp. Ren and the rest of Roseheart meet me at the front entrance.
“Jasper! Thank gods!” Ren exclaims.
“Get everyone, I need to talk to all of us, about our plan of action.” I mutter, swiping a streak of blood off my lip. I wince when my ribs give a dull throb.

Ren nods and calls everyone to attention. They look expectantly at him, then me when he nods in my direction.
“Right, so I’ve fought wyverns before. That was not a wyvern nest, one, it’s much too big. Two, they - wyverns - have tunnels. Not citadels. What we’re facing is a dragon nest. A metallic type dragon. I’ve faced these things before, a lot. They’re tricky and deadly. But… This set-up is a recreation of a past event, if I had to guess. That means we’ll want to get out of here asap, because if the history books have anything to say, the witches will be round. Or maybe… of course! We’re the witches and the dragon is - TAKE COVER!”

I interrupt myself to shout, barely managing to throw a shield around us all before a furious figure of screaming metal dive-bombs the nest. Fire bounces of my shield, rippling around us and scorching the tents. Through it a massive dragon made of conjoined pieces of metal dives, taking out several tents as it does. I start yelling orders.
“Ren! We need a storm! Liz, man the catapults with people you trust! Vince, Mia! There’s ballistae cannons on the eastern side of camp! Keep your shields up!” I I bark.

Each vampire sets off running into position, manning weapons, checking for supplies, etc. I focus on my abilities, and seeing our opponent. The dragon dives again, unleashing a torrent fire, wiping out what appears to be a command tent. Smoke stings my eyes and flames crackle around me. 
“Ren? Lizzy? Ashen?” I call out, coughing and choking on the smoke.

    There’s a faint response and I run through crackling flames, leaping over a burning log and rolling through a low rip in a burning tent wall. I have to twist to the side to avoid a falling post. The heat draws all the moisture out my lungs, leaving me gasping. I pull my scarf over my mouth and nose, batting out a spark on my sleeve. Finally I get to where I heard the call and find our coven mate, Ashen - an illusion and archive specialist -  pinned beneath a collapsed crossbow.

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