Chapter 16

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As Ren turns to leave, I call out to him. He stops and looks at me. Eld raises an eyebrow from where he’s slouched on the couch. I roll my eyes at him.
“Hey Ren, mind if I join ya?” I call.
“Be my guest man!” he calls back.

That said, he starts moving. The coin… for Jasper to have that… could… no. Don’t be a fool.

I sigh and get changed into my typical black trench coat style jacket and dark grey hooded sweatshirt with black cargo pants. And my weapons. Well… not my sword. Too obvious - after all it’s of ancient metalwork - with of course Spiritus writing. Rather I wear my hidden blades, several knives and a pistol. Overkill? Maybe. But then Slayers will stop at nothing to kill me.

I meet up with the Roseheart coven at the Keep. It’s fallen into a state of disrepair, the wood is all rotted away, and the sea-glass they used to represent fire has either been pilfered or lost. The formerly silver- red stone is almost black with grime and the northern tower tower has collapsed. To be fair that was Eld’s fault. Indeed, my familiar winces when he sees the crumbling stone.

A play battle, many years ago, washes through my memory and I smile. E - A phoenix and Eld were tussling in the snow, rolling across the hill and through the sky, enormous wafts of steam rising up from both of them. Course, it got a little too rough as all these things did. Eld collided with the Northern tower, which collapsed with a muted boom and a burst of steam, not to mention an indignant bird cry and a muffled snort. Eld looked like quite something, rising out the rubble in a rush of steam and dust.

One of the coven members, the archive vamp reads through the info stored about the keep. I laugh softly as they go to push the ancient stone door open.
“Wouldn’t do that if I were you.” Aizen chuckles.

Several heads whip to where he leans against the wall, awash in shadows. I sigh and tut, rolling my eyes at him. He snorts.
“Don’t act like it ain’t true Shi” 
“No need to freak them out darlin.” I chuckle.
“So she’s here then?” Esté asks casually, hidden once again, by his cloak.
“She?” Ren asks.
“If you had waited till I finished reading I could have told you.” Archives heaves a long-suffering sigh.
“Then talk Ashen.” Ren snorts, amused.
“What?” Ren looks surprised.

Aizen solves the dilemma by pounding on the door.
“EH?!” several heads turn to Aizen.

My familiar of course, snorts, then bursts out laughing. Soon he’s clutching his sides doubled over, trying to catch his breath.
“Oh my god! I can’t believe you actually fell for that! Like seriously!” he’s just about ready to keel over.

I on the other hand just watch him. Then chuckle myself when I note the shadow.
“You called?” comes a voice.

The voice is soft, like chiming bells. Aizen nearly falls over.
“You - what - how?” he exclaims.
“Heat shields.” I recommend to Roseheart.

Moments later a massive Phoenix touches down in front of Aizen, who scrambles back rapidly, landing on his ass at my feet. I sigh.
“Fayne. Good to see you, figured you’d still be here. Greetings to you too Enda,” I chuckle.
“Ah Shinra. Long time no see.” Fayn smiles, climbing off her Phoenix’s (Enda’s) Back.

She’s aged. If my assumptions are right and war is going to break out… I won’t be able to call on her for help. The old lady pulls me into a tight hug and I note with worry the distinct lack of her usual red-hot heat. But yet, despite that, she’s still the friend I’ve always known, still dressing in her armor, still wearing her Svanblade.
“This is Fayne, one of the last Felkit Vampyres.” I smile.

Ren’s jaw just about hits the ground, even as realization dawns in his eyes. I watch as he unstrings the key from his necklace and offers it to Fayne.
“A friend of mine, A Dracobane vampire gave me this… I think he wanted me to give it to you.” he says, with a sad smile.

I note the way he keeps the coin hidden. Fayne’s eyes go wide as she takes the key. Pure joy brightens her eyes and she lets out a loud ‘whoop’ before turning to the door of the keep.
“I’m not stuck on the roof anymore!” my friend exclaims.

Ashen raises an eyebrow when the comment prompts Aizen into another fit of hysterics. I sigh.
“Ya know what? Go home Aizen, you too guys.” I say and wrap my hand around the glass threaded onto my necklace.

Aizen promptly shatters into shards of glass, a piece of coloured spirit flowing into my necklace. The same happens to Malachai, Eld and Esté.

That done Fayne invites us in to explore. And for tea. Always tea. I excuse myself, saying I have work to attend to.

Ren looks hopeful for the first time in weeks, purpose bolstering him as he explains the situation to Fayne, who promises to keep a lookout and keep him updated.

It’s the happiest I’ve seen anyone look in a while, and I sneak out before anyone notices that I alone…

I do not share in the celebration.

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