Chapter 7

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A/N Right, shapeshifter image for you guys, meet Jazon (his hair is white and reaches his ankles tho)! Thanks to for the positive feedback, I'm super glad your enjoying the book! Here's two bigger chapters for ya guys!


    It’s week two of my class – when everything starts. As predicted the vampire side of the school was in a lot of trouble. Less than they would have been had I not stepped in and explained the situation. I went in as a half vampire – the one I used in my combat class.

    Then I got in trouble again for being at school when supposedly but clearly not sick. I just passed it off as having left something in the class I teach. The teacher turned up her nose. She doesn’t like that a student younger than her ‘by far’ has the credentials required to teach a course.

    And then I got myself in even more trouble [Oh shut up Jax. You can’t talk – look where you landed the lot of us!] I glare at her. Let my eyes flicker like a vampire’s.
“Listen here lady. You know nothing about me. Even the principle doesn’t. Don’t you dare judge me” I growled.

    As if summoned my familiars surrounded me. Thankfully in their student forms. Malachai with us. He looks the most mundane, mousy boy ever. Then we walked back out.

    That leads too today. I’m teaching them to fight against various creatures – familiars included. I got help from a friend at CC City’s Shigris High School for the Gifted. His name is Zero – a retired soldier with a side full of shrapnel who is also a wind runner. Between Jay, some kid named Rocco and him they created a dimensional warp to pockets in space where my students can learn to fight against various creatures – and learn they still exist – within that creatures environment. It’s modelled off of Jay’s class to be honest.

    I’m willing to bet none of them were expecting this. Except Ren. And my familiars. But the mostly help me teach. The class gapes at the two Warps behind me.
“First off, I apologize for missing yesterday – and I regret not being able to help with the mass exodus of Slayers.
Right. Anyway. I’m guessing many of you signed up for this class thinking it would be an easy credit. I will say this straight up. This is not an easy class. I’ve had to pull a lot of strings and some of it is still being worked on, so bare with me on that front. This class is designed to prepare you for the real world. For the human part of the class, you will take the warp on the left. But first let me and my ‘assistants’ explain.” I start.

    Malachai steps forward. He replaced his punk appearance with a deceptive mousy look.
“My name is Mav. The warps will take you to something called a dimensional pocket. Within this pocket is a room the size of a football field. It doesn’t look like a normal room – it’s a full environment.” Malachai says.

    I step forward again.
“In this environment are the strings I’ve been pulling. As you hopefully recall, in the last couple of classes I was explaining various fighting styles of various supernatural beings. Every day, starting today, we will be going through a warp to engage in combat with a specific species. Your first job will be to navigate as a team and locate the creature. Then, as a team you have to beat your opponent. I won’t tell you what your fighting. However, the human side of the class is only threatening the ones that pose a threat to you. Such as vampires – the rogue ones and so on.” I explain.

    Aizen steps forward next.
“My name is Alex, though most of you already know me. These warps guide you through the various pockets. You will fight various creatures, though some days it may be a repeat – as a refresher.” He explains.

    Last to step forward is Esté.
“Again, most of you know this already, but my name is Eryn. We’ve decided that we’re going to tell you what each half of the class will fight for the first day. This one took a lot of strings to pull. Humans will be fighting a ‘Class E’ vampire. As you know Class ‘E’s were turned by rogue vampires. Blood lust has driven them insane. That was easy to get someone to pretend. However, vampires. You will be fighting a Mermish Combatant of unmentioned species. It took string pulling, though it’s a friend of Luke’s. Be prepared, some days we will throw you for a loop.” He finishes.

    That said we get the students ready. That involves having them remove any valuable and non-waterproof technology. Phones, watches and other things are stored in student lockers lining the back of the room. Their familiars have to wait behind just for safety reasons. After all, I don’t want anyone separated or familiars being injured – that goes against everything I am.

    I also have them take off any jewellery – especially long dangling things and sharp things. Lastly I do a scan for weaponry and confiscate three knives and several other objects.

    Malachai gets them lined up and heading through the warp, reminding them to work as a team and that I will be watching, ready to pull anyone should it be required.
“I will have you know that should I decide that you are not following the rules set out, are getting to violent, are not working as a team, or are in need of medical help for any reason that can’t be fixed by the designated medic with each group,  I will not hesitate to pull you from the live sim.” I explain, dead serious.

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