Chapter 2

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(A/N image creds to original artist, image is of Aizen)

Finally school lets out. Thank god, I didn’t think it was (in)humanly possible for science class to drag on any longer! As soon as that bell rang I was out there like a shot, gone, racing to my motorbike (a Yamaha sportbike in white) so that I can get out of the school. Turns out the ‘new’ vampire is hosting a party at his place and both sections of the school are invited.

    I could never understand why people thought that having drunken humans and vampires at a party - in the same house in the middle of the night - was a good idea.

    Which of course, in general means I can’t go. I will be doing hidden security detail. There are going to be be at the least two hundred odd vampires in attendance, which means they could very well attract vampire slayers. Not very well. Will. They will attract slayers.

    Time for coven leader and last remaining member of Endrin’s Star: Coven of the Fallen to do what he does best!

    I should mention. We were called coven of the fallen not cause we always died or fell from grace, many of the members were semi- Spiriteyes and we more often than not fought with the souls of the dead on our sides as allies and equals.

    I myself am a full blooded Spiriteye. It means that unlike my brethren, I can turn myself fully into a spirit as opposed to merely being able to see, communicate and touch them. It’s not a pleasant process, as a burst of astral-physical magic more or less combusts my body. From there, the built up (see: gathered) spirit energy rebuilds my body as that of a ghost. Though we much prefer the term spirit.

    Anyway, it takes an hour for me and My familiars to get ready. Me in my trench coat style jacket with the split back, belt slung on a tilted angle, sword and knives tucked into the sheaths along it.  Esté with his cloak slung loosely around his shoulders, the gold lined falcon feathers glowing in the light, with loose fabric pants on underneath, while Aizen simply ripples with shadows, oft dematerializing.

    And Eld is ready as is, save for a change of clothes into a steampunk sort of look – what else could a Mech possibly need? I mean, come on – his fists can become metal at will! Granted, he does also engage the half man form.... With wires and junk weaving through his flesh...

    Then we’re on the move. I would use my bike but… well… vampires are so much faster. Not to mention that my bike is so loud… We move quickly, running round corners and through the woods, over and around with ease, until we reach the mansion where the party is being hosted. 

From there, we set about securing a base perimeter - so we know roughly how much space we have to watch. With that done we take up our preferred positions, me at the top of a dead tree, hidden from sight. Aizen round the side and Eld on the other with Esté at the very top, on the roof. We take this positions, and while one may assume it leaves a flank open… it doesn’t. Eld can summon mechanical wyverns and build humanoids to do his bidding and Aizen can be in up to four different places at once - while still retaining full strength and cognitive function.

    Within the hour the party is in full swing, drunken people chill in the pool and round it, chatting and laughing. More drunken revelers dance on the makeshift dance floor, scantily clad girls cozying up to guys, wannabe Bella Swans looking for their Edward or Jacob, it’s just dandy. Absolute hell to watch.

 For once I’m thankful for the telepathic communication that comes with being my familiars. That’s a lie. I’m always thankful for it - it’s saved my life and made boring classes more interesting. 

Aizen ‘casually’ starts talking to me. I interrupt him though.

(~Translated from ancient Vampiric~)
“There appears to be activity in the woods, it looks like a Kitsune! Shit! Aizen, Eld, battle positions! Este, warn the head of the party and put a barrier around the yard! We got a lot of Slayers, about eighty! Witches on the northern flank, Eld! Minions!” I telepathically shout – immediately gaining a groan of complaint.
    You would too if someone screamed into your head.

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