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"What the hell, JJ? Why'd you drag me out of bed? You're supposed to be happy for me, you know, not sulking like a fucking 5 year old." Elle snarled, ripping her hand away from JJ who was dragging her out of the dorm buildings. "What's going on with you?" She stopped, standing her ground as JJ whipped around to stare at her.

"We have to get groceries, Elle. I'm going to need help with that. Now, come on, I drove here." The blonde reached for Elle's hand, but the brunette jumped back, simply just staring at her. "What are YOU doing?" Her roommate simply just shook her head, looking back towards the building they had just stepped out of.

"I don't get it. Are you jealous?"

JJ scoffed, folding her arms across her chest. "Yeah, I'm jealous. Jealous of your little dyke relationship." The blonde rolled her eyes, not comprehending the evil bite of her words on Elle's heart. "Come on, please. Can we just go? We need chicken, and cereal, and fries, and..." her words slowly faded as she noticed the strong glare coming from the opposing girl.

Elle bit her lip to prevent the tears spilling from her eyes. "JJ. You have to stop saying that word. So what we are gay? So what Emily is gay? I thought you accepted gay people. Are you disgusted? Because I'll move out, is that what you want? Is that what you fucking want?" Elle moved forward, shoving JJ back with the force of her palms.

The blonde stared at her in shock, biting down on her tongue as she came up with what to say. She knew she had messed up using such a word, it was becoming a bad habit of hers. Of course she wasn't homophobic, she had plenty of gay friends. She loved gay people. She just wasn't gay herself. "I'm sorry, El." She concluded, staring at her dear friend.

Elle couldn't bring herself to respond as she shook her head, turning around and storming back into the building, leaving JJ alone. As if on a timer, rain began to pour from the sky in the early morning light. JJ stood in the rain, alone once again.

JJ wasn't used to this. She was used to laying in bed with her... perfect, boyfriend and across the hall would be her perfect best friend, and she would call her perfect parents, and everything was fine. And now, it had all changed. Her parents separated and didn't call her anymore, Will was.. Will, and she just ruined her relationship with Elle. She had potential to be friends with Emily too, but she destroyed that.

She turned back to look up at the sky, watching as the clouds formed closer together as rain poured more heavily from them. She fucking hated the rain. It was depressing, dull, and ruined the beauty of the world around them. Or perhaps, that was her perception of it.

Up above, Emily sat in the window watching as the rain fell on the world around her. She hadn't noticed JJ standing in the middle of the sidewalk, and was too focused on the way the wind swayed through the trees, drenching everything in a layer of cooling water. Emily adored the rain. She could thank growing up in rainy countries for that, but it was more than that. Rain represented a change, a start over, a new chance. A chance to change the way you treat the world.

Emily lifted the cup of coffee up to her lips, taking a long gulp of it. The best feeling in the world was sitting in her window sill with her feet propped up against the wall, a mug of a coffee, and rain covering the world outside.

As soon as Emily had set her cup of coffee, the door flew open. She didn't look immediately, expecting it to be Spencer who was going to tell her all about the story she read. However, the person who entered soon ran over to her, engulfing in a hug. Looking up in surprise, she noted the curly haired girl wrapping around her tightly, climbing into her lap. She smiled slightly, returning the hug. The two sat in silence for a moment. "Hey, what're you doing back so quick? I thought you had to go shopping.' Elle took a moment to respond, unsure of what to say. How do you say your best friend, the girl your girlfriend already hates, insulted your relationship out of jealousy and whatever else Elle couldn't figure out.

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