chicago pt.2

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Ever since the two boys had gotten over their argument, they had spent every moment together due to it being Winter break- they got breakfast, lunch, dinner together, they went shopping, they watched movies, sometimes they even spent hours just laying together in bed. (although perhaps sometimes it wasn't just simply cuddling.) It was the happiest Spencer had ever felt, he constantly had a smile plastered on his lips, matching Derek's grin.

Even though it scared them half to death, they displayed affection whenever they could- although they never took it too far, holding hands everywhere and maybe a kiss on the cheek every once inawhile. Derek wanted to prove to his boyfriend that he wasn't scared to show him affection, that he wasn't embarrassed of him, and that he loved everything about him. Spencer, was slowly beginning to believe him. It was proven further by their drive to Derek's childhood home where they were about to spend New Years Eve.

Spencer had a family in his youth before his death- a frankly happy family, from what he could remember at least. They would bake around the holidays, they would put up decorations, they would dance in the living room at midnight when he was just a little kid. Of course, unless his mother was having an episode and he would have to comfort her while his father left for the night. Other than that, he remembered having a really happy childhood with his mother. He absolutely adored her and held nothing against her. It was how she knew how to love him.

At the least, they supported him. They knew he was very intelligent and helped him out by reading him advanced books at a young age, which helped him improve his already crazy reading level. His father, however, didn't get to see the most of it. He understood now why his father left but as an 8 year old, he didn't. He thought it was his fault, he couldn't possibly comprehend why his father would want to leave his mother- she was beautiful.

He also never had siblings, so he was curious to see how that worked around the holidays and even though he was nervous, he was excited to meet Derek's family.

Derek, even if he wasn't showing it quite so well, was feeling the same excitement as he stared forth at the long highway laid out infront of them. The drive was a couple hours and they had stocked up on drinks and snacks (although he had to stop every once inawhile because Spencer needed to use the bathroom.) He had told his mom all about his incredible boyfriend, she was still a bit thrown off from his coming out. She had been supportive, but he could tell she was wondering how exactly it happened. He wondered the same.

He hadn't told anyone else in his family (although he knew they knew because of his gossiping mother), and was nervous. His family loved him, but they were very tradition-oriented. He wondered how they would feel having somene new brought into their holiday party. His mother really wanted to meet Spence, so he brought him despite his slight fear.

He knew Spencer might not like it so much, but he could tell Spencer couldn't wait to see Derek's old home. He was nervously tapping his fingers against his thighs and Derek felt the adoration swell over him once again and had to look away while fighting a smile, he couldn't comprehend that this boy was his.

Eventually, the two pulled up to a smaller house on the 'Southside' of Chicago, and Derek swallowed a gulp. Spencer wasn't exactly the type to come around where he grew up, and he hoped they would have no issues getting inside. Slowly but surely he climbed out of the car and grabbed his gift for his mother, locking the doors behind the two boys.

Derek skipped up the steps to the porch and threw his fist against the door, a smile stretching wide on his face. He hadn't really seen his mother in awhile and couldn't wait to give her a great big hug.

"Derek?" An older woman said through the screen door, slowly pushing it open with a wide smile.

"Auntie!" The older boy stepped forward and engulfed the woman into a tight hug, spinning her around slightly, causing her to laugh and push the boy slightly. "Is Ma here?" The graying woman nodded at her grandson, although her dark eyes glittered down to the boy standing behind Derek and flashed him a hesitant smile.

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