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moreid smut warning

The car ride was silent between Derek and Spencer as they thought about what had just happened. They hadn''t been in the room when the fight between Emily and the Ambassador occurred, but they quickly learned of it as they ran into Penelope, who was crying. While it hadn't happened to Penelope, it had happened to her friend and that hurt more than anything. Through the girl's sobs, they managed to make out what happened and their hearts hurt for Emily.

Derek knew that if he were to come out to his family, it wouldn't come out nearly as bad. His mother was the most loving creature he had ever encountered, his sisters equally as supportive. They helped him through absolutely everything in his youth, including supporting him through the tough times with his coach, the school, going into the FBI. He adored his family, and he wished Emily had the opportunity to feel the same way about her own.

Spencer knew that her family certainly was not accepting. She had told him about when she came out and how terrible that was for her community, it came to the point where she ran away back to the United States without speaking to her mother. Emily's mother didn't officially disown her until a few weeks before her freshman year, and of course Spencer hadn't met her yet, but he knew every detail of that specific event. It was painful to even imagine.

"I can't believe the Ambassador acted like that," Derek finally spoke softly, taking his hand from the steering wheel and taking Spencer's hand in his own. "I feel so bad for her. I couldn't... I couldn't imagine that happening to me. I'm not sure I would survive."

Spencer nodded gently, looping their fingers together as he gazed out the window at the night sky, snow falling around the world he was in. "I knew she was a... bitch," he hesistated slightly. "I didn't know the extent of it, though. If I knew..." he stopped, sighing heavily. "I know my mom wouldn't react nearly as bad, and that makes me feel worse."

Derek looked at him for a moment. "Are you going to tell her?"

The younger boy turned to look at him in surprise, tilting his head. "I...she's in a sanatorium, it's probably not the best idea. She... doesn't need anything else on her plate, considering I rarely have time to even visit her." He stared down at his feet hidden by the dark.

His boyfriend nodded, staring ahead. "I mentioned to my mom I met someone. I.. didn't say who, but... she wants you to... um, for new years, she wants me to bring 'them'. How... do you feel about that?" He briefly glanced at him, a bit fearful of his response.

The brunette pondered the request for a moment. "Go to Chicago? I'd... love to, Der, I'd like to meet your family." He flashed a grin at Derek, who immediately broke out into a smile as well. He couldn't wait.
The two boys walked back to Derek's room, the older boy's arm looped heavily around his neck. They could barely keep their hands off one another- maybe it was the guilt for what happened to Emily, the raw idea of meeting one another's family, or perhaps just the christmas spirit. Spencer couldn't stop his hands from running down Derek's abdomen as they walked, his other hand holding Derek's, grinning as he imagined what was in store for the night.

At one point, Derek's free hand slipped a little bit too low down Spencer's back and he let out a low moan, causing Derek to stop breathing. He stared at his boyfriend in shock, shoving him into the nearest wall, planting his lips on the others'. Spencer gasped softly, pulling him in even closer as he grinded softly on the surface. The older boy rolled his eyes to the back of his head as Spencer began trailing his kisses down his neck, gently sucking on the crease of his neck. "Fuck... Spence, let's get in the room," he groaned softly, causing Spencer to grin and pull away from him, trying to pull his pants as far down as he could, preventing anyone from seeing anything.

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