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Derek carried Spencer by having one of his skinny arms looped around his shoulder, carefully dragging him back to his dorm room. He knew it would lead to consequences for all parties if he alerted security to get medical help, and he knew that Spencer would be okay. Pissed off, perhaps, but physically he would be okay. It was probably his first rodeo when it came to getting punched in the face, and he came back to life pretty quickly. He was eerily quiet though, as they went back.

Clearing his throat infront of their door, Derek nodded as Spencer released his grip on Derek and looked at him carefully. "Thank you, Der. I'll.. keep you updated, on the nose." He lightly chuckled, although it sent sharp pains throughout his face, cousing him to wince.

"It'll be fine, man, just keep it iced and try not to sleep too much. You might have a concussion. I think that's how at works, at least." He reached over to gently rub Spencer's shoulder, looking down at him. "Listen, Spence, I..."

Spencer cut him off abruptly, clearing his throat. "You defended me. Why? It... you knew it would lead to an altercation. Your body language was prepared for it, your stance, your expression... I, why would you risk that just to defend me?" He tossed his gaze down to the floor, folding his hands down near his thighs. He was closing himself off from the other boy, which drew his attention quickly.

Derek used his hand to tilt Spencer's chin up, causing their eyes to make contact. He stayed silent for a moment, contemplating his choices. He could either say he just enjoyed a good fight as a joke, he could confess his feelings for the boy, or he could just say nothing at all. "You know why, Spence." He said softly, releasing his touch.

The younger boy tried to read his face but there was an emotion on it that Spence had never seen before. He had seen it in the movies he tried to watch, he had seen it on Emily's face when she looked at JJ at the party, he had seen it on... Derek liked him. His face instantly grew red as he stared up at Derek, conjuring up a response. He never expected anything like this to happen, he never expected the boy he liked to ever even think of him in such a way.... "Say it, Derek. Please." He stuttered, only slightly terrified of what he would say in response.

Instead of responding, Derek leaned forward to press his lips against the other boy's. Their lips stilled for a moment as Spencer recovered from the shock of it, until he looped his arms up around his neck and collided against him, ignoring the world around them. It was like there was nothing except for them, just their bodies pressed flush against one another, their lips mushing together as Derek slipped his tongue into his mouth.

Spencer was a bit alarmed at first, never having gone this far with anyone- considering Derek was his only kiss he had ever experienced. It almost brought tears to his closed eyes, but he thought that would be stupid as they stood in the middle of the hallway, making out. He never thought he would be the type to display such affection in public.

After a few moments of their world being just themselves, they were interrupted by a door opening down the hall and immediately broke apart, just looking at one another. "What does this mean, Spence?" Derek looked at him softly, reaching forward and looping his fingers through the others.

The brunette stared up at him, taking in the sight infront of him. Derek was perfect. His hair was slightly ruffled from Spencer running his fingers through it, his lips slightly swollen from their kissing, his eye bruised from a punch by Rossi. He was beautiful. Spencer let out a breath, biting down on his lower lip. He wasn't sure what to say. What does it mean?

Little did Derek know, he was thinking the exact same about the opposite. Spencer looked so calm, so pretty. His own shaggy hair was ruffled, tucked behind his ears as an action by Derek. He was slightly flushed all over his body, his eyes wide as ever, his lips slightly parted, he was perfect. He was his pretty boy. "I want to be with you, Spence. It's not.. It's not gonna be easy, and I'm fucking scared out of my mind, but I want to give this a chance. Can we... ?" He said softly, leaning in to ensure Spencer could hear him.

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