Her Pt 2

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Xandra join's the the rest of the group over by the kitchen counter. I feel like she hates me already. I turn to walk towards the stairs but a voice stops me, "Hey, where do you think you're off to?" I turn around sheepishly to see Cheryl staring at me. Her voice causing the rest of them to look in my direction. "I don't wanna intrude" I smile putting my hand up turning around. "Nonsense, come join us" she waves her hand for me to sit beside her on a stool. My palms are sweating at the thought of being so close to Xandra. "No really, its ok" I half smile. "Larry, tell her to sit down and stop being so polite" she says smirking turning her focus to Larry. Larry puts pats the stool, "Cmon kid. One drink won't harm ya". I bite the bullet and walk over and sit down. Xandra is right opposite me. Larry places a beer in front of me.

"I'm Tom, nice to meet you" a man with greased back hair puts his hand out for me to shake. I reciprocate. "Hi, nice to meet you" I grin. "So where you from again?" Tom asks while biting on a toothpick. "New York", he hums nodding his head. The dude looks like he's apart of the Mafia. "Why would someone wanna move from New York to out here?" he asks raising his eyebrows. Oh no. The question I try to avoid at all cost. Not because I'm embarrassed of my life in New York, its just if I go into it I'll have to mention Rehab and I'm really not up for having that conversation with people I met 5 minutes ago. He looks at me waiting for my answer. "Well -I, its just that I-" I start to stutter. Tom looks at me with an eyebrow raised. "I- like- its kind of complica-", "I wanted to meet her" I'm cut off by a voice. I turn to face whoever's talking and I see Xandra. She turns her focus to Tom, holding a cigarette in her hand. "Out of Larry and I's four years of dating, I never met any of his family. So when I found out he had a niece" she pauses taking a drag "I wanted to meet her." She looks at me taking a bite of an olive out of her drink. "Yeah, what she said" I say flustered. Tom just nods.

20 minutes go by and I'm zoned out looking at the floor, thinking of the past hours events. "Lets move our drinks outside, the cool air should be nice" Larry proposes. I hear an array of "yeah" and "good idea's". Everyone has brought their drinks and things outside at a table. I'm last to move. I grab my beer and open the sliding door, I feel so fucking awkward. Larry and the rest of the men huddling over in the corner with beers in their hands laughing loudly and the women sitting down at a table by the pool. I stroll towards the table, "You can sit here honey" a soft spoken voice says. I see a woman with long brown hair holding a glass of wine in her hand. I simply smile at her and sit beside her. Xandra of course, opposite me again. "We haven't met yet, I'm Ivy and you've met my sister Cheryl right?" I nod and chirp "Yeah yeah I did".

By now I've had 4 beers so I feel a little more comfortable talking. Ivy and I have been chatting for a while, laughing and joking away. I feel Xandra's eyes on me. "Yeah so that's how I nearly barfed on a very sexy receptionist" I end the story laughing. "No- I- can't, I can't breathe" Ivy puts her hand on my chest bending over laughing. "Yep, yep just, laugh at my pain why don't you" I try to put a straight face on but I keep breaking into a giggle. I glance over to Xandra, she's intently staring at Ivy. It might just be my head but she seems almost...... angry? "So Kit, what about a boyfriend? Have you ever had one?" Cheryl says looking innocently smiling at me. I choke on my beer causing Ivy to snort out loud. "You didn't hear the conversation we just had?" Ivy turns to Cheryl with a 'You dumb bitch' look. Cheryl quirks her brow confused. "Cheryl. The girls GAY". I widen my eyes and laugh, Xandra looking over at me with an eyebrow raised. "Oh- well, uhm- any girls?" Cheryl blurts, she seemed uncomfortable.

I smile and take a sip of my drink before looking over to Cheryl. I was about to say no but then I stop. Memories flood my head of Ms Anderson and my breathing starts to pick up its pace. 'Kit, she doesn't control you anymore, calm down' I mentally say to myself. Xandra coughs and looks at me waiting for my response. "Well..... there was this one woman from when I was in high school,..... but it didn't work out" I end with a smile. "Woman? How old was she?" Ivy laughs taking a sip of wine. "Um, well- how do I-. She was 40." I blurt out the last sentence, pursing my lips together. They all look at me in shock. "But didn't you say that was in high school??" Ivy blurts looking at me shocked. I hum taking a swig of my beer. Xandra stares at me with furrowed brows. "Yeah but that's in the past now" I try change the subject.

"Who wants another drink" Xandra announces patting her hands on her thighs getting up. I was thankful she interjected. The rest of the women say yes. I stay silent, "Well?" Xandra looks at me with a straight face. I only notice how beautiful her eyes were, almost like dark pools of caramel. I forgot I was staring for so long "I- yes. Please thank you" I scramble to get out. She turns around and heads inside with another woman who I haven't spoken to.

A few minutes go by, and Xandra places an unopened beer in front of me. Only then do I notice she's leaning over me, she grabs the bottle opener on the right side of me and opens it slowly. She hums quietly and leans back, but not without brushing her hand past my arm. I get goose bumps all over my body. Stop it Kit. She takes her seat again and starts chatting with her girl pals. I finish my beer and take a deep breath. I'm feeling the tiredness take over my body. I've barely had any sleep today. "I'm gonna head to bed, It was nice meeting you ladies" I interject smiling at them. "Aw ok, well it was lovely meeting you too." Ivy says, while Cheryl smiles at me. Xandra glances at me, "Night" she disregards me. I turn around and head for the door. I feel eyes on me as I walk. Finally reaching my room I flop on my bed and put boxers and a t-shirt on. I pull my covers up and turn off my lamp beside me.

What an eventful first day.

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