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The rest of my day went fast. As I'm in my last class I glance out the window and see Larry's car pull up. Confused as to why he's here, I narrow my eyes and see not Larry but Xandra. I hear a buzz in my pocket and I sneakily take it out.

Xandra : Look outside🤭

Kit : I see you😂 Thought you were working?

Xandra : Took the day off, thought we should get to know each other better. How about..... ice-cream?🍦

Kit : Cmon Xandra.

Xandra : ?

Kit : I could never say no to ice-cream 🙄🙄

I look up from my phone and I can faintly see her laughing in the car. Jesus what is this woman doing to me. The last 5 minutes go by fast and I jump out of my seat and race to my locker and shut it quickly. As I'm about to leave the building I hear a shout coming from the hall. "REMEMBER , JENNA'S ON SAT!!! ILL SEE YOU AT 7" Bailey screeches so I can hear. I send her a thumbs up and head towards Xandra.

Hopping in the passenger seat, I smile up to her. "How was school sweetie" she chirps staring the car with her focus on the road. First hunny and now sweetie? She will be the death of me. "Cat got your tongue or something?" Xandra laughs glancing at me. "Yeah sorry, haha. It was fine. I mean Dylan has to sit at the front now so he won't bother me in homeroom." I breathed. "Good, that bastard won't be able to touch a hair on your head. I'll make sure of it" Xandra proudly announces. I furrow my brows. "Xandra." I sigh. "What?" She glances at me. "You don't have to protect me. I've dealt with a lot worse, high school bullies are beneath me" I say laughing at the last part. Xandra sighs while taking a cigarette out of her purse.

She lights it, inhaling it slowly. I'm in awe, I can't stop staring at her. "So I wanted to ask you somethin" I inquired. "Mhm" Xandra murmured, her attention still on the road. "There's this party Saturday night and I was wondering if I could go?" I questioned. "Well I don't see why not." She raised her brows. I wanted to test something here, don't ask why. I just wanted to see her reaction. No bad intention at all. "Oh cool, thanks. I'm excited, do you know why?" I quizzed to her. She just nods confused. "Well, the girl who's hosting it, apparently has a crush on me" I announce confidently. Xandra snaps her head to me. "So I'm excited to see what the night brings" I wink at her finishing my sentence.

Xandra laughs and puts her focus back on the road. "Show me a picture of her." She asks. As I search through my mutual friends on Instagram I find her account. Finding the first picture, I notice she has blonde hair and is in a swim suit. Smirking I face my phone to Xandra. She swaps her vision from the road to my phone. She chuckles. "What? What's so funny" I ask defensively. "First of all, she needs her roots done, and secondly that swimsuit is a cup size too big." Xandra firmly states. I look at her with a smirk.
My experiment was successful. Xandra's fucking jealous. Also I have to say this, I had absolutely no interest in Jenna whatsoever. She was hot, but she sure wasn't Xandra.

"Damn Xandra, you don't hold back" I whistle loudly. She hits my shoulder playfully. 10 minutes go by in comfortable silence. Finally reaching what looks to be an Ice-cream parlour, Xandra steps out. I follow her into the shop and she orders hers. Being a vanilla cone with sprinkles. She goes to sit down and I order mine. A strawberry cone with sprinkles also. I see Xandra on the a seat and smile as I walk towards her. She gives me a grin.

"So you brought me here to get to know me?" I ask taking a spoon of ice cream in my mouth. It spills down my lip. Xandra rolls her eyes and smiles  taking a tissue and dabbing it of my chin. I look at her slowly. She seems to notice this and smirks slightly. "No Kit. I came here to murder you. Yes dummy I wanted to get to know you." She laughs at her last words. "Well I wanna go first." I smile with a dumb face to her, causing her to laugh. "Alright alright. You go first, what do you wanna know?" Xandra breaths out. "Hmm, let me think......ehhh. Ok...... Where did you meet my uncle?" I ask. I genuinely wanted to know how a guy like Larry got a woman like Xandra.

Xandra smirks ever so slightly. "Well, I was in a bar and he bought me a drink, we chatted through the night and I guess you could say I couldn't get rid of him" she ends the sentence with a spoon of ice cream. "Interesting, interesting" I smile. "My turn. What's your favourite colour?" Xandra expressed. "You could ask me any question and you ask me that? Really? You're so boring" I say rolling my eyes. "What? I wanna know" she breathed out. "Alright, its green" I reply. She smiles.

We spend the next few minutes talking about miscellaneous things, our favourite movies, foods etc. I still haven't gotten to the hard stuff yet. As in my past, I wasn't ready to open up that much to someone, at least not yet. "Kit?" Xandra speaks softly to me, I look up at her, "Yeah?". "I wanted to ask you something" she sounds so calm like she's afraid of what my reaction would be. "You can ask me anything" I smile up at her waiting for her question. "Well, I'm just curious. About the marks.... on your face? The ones before your fight with Dylan." Xandra asks slowly.

I take a breath in, I couldn't hide it forever. "Oh these ones?" I ask pointing to the faded scars on the jaw and chin. The ones from the accident. Xandra nods and puts her chin in her hand leaning towards me. She takes my chin in her other hand and strokes it so tenderly. Skimming over the small raised lines. She lets go and waits for my response. I brush my hand over my face nervously. "You don't have to tell me. I would understand" Xandra coos. "No, no. It's about time I got it out of my system" I murmur. Xandra smiles at my response and nods for me to go on. "It's a long story but...... I was in an accident. A car wreck" I take a breath. Xandra looks at me with a concerned face while nodding. "It was -how do I put this. I had a relationship with this woman. My teacher, her name was Rose Anderson. I was 15 at the time and I was lovestruck. I would have done anything for her and vice versa. One day she picked me up, funnily enough, on my 16th birthday. She seemed a bit off, but I didn't think much of it. After a bit she was going on about how...... she wanted me to run away with me, and leave my life behind. Obviously being a kid I didn't take it seriously. She didn't like that. We were driving over the George Washington bridge, and I guess she snapped. She rammed her car off the side and I don't remember much after that. I woke up in the hospital and she was gone, but they couldn't find her...... they think she survived the crash and took off. But- I-" I stop and start to loose my words.

Xandra shocked by the story moves her chair closer to me. She takes my hand in between hers and rubs her thumb over my knuckle. She looks at me with such tenderness. I finally catch my words again, "but I saw her........ in New York. She was walking in Times Square. It could have been my head but I swear it was her." I look up at Xandra. She had a cluster of emotions on her face. Anger, sadness and worry. "Kit, I'm so sorry. I had no idea. Jesus you were just a kid. If I could get my hands on her I swear." I squeeze her hand smiling. " It's ok, I know she won't find me out here" I whisper.
"No, no she will not. You're safe here. I promise." She ends her sentence with a smile.

I've Got You - XandraTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon