Her Truth

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Darkness. That's all I see, feel, hear. Am I dead?

"Kit? Kit honey?" a familiar voice echoes in my ears. I still can't pin point exactly who it is. Fluttering my eyes open, my visions blurry. I feel a hand gently caressing my cheek. "Doctor!!! She's waking up!!!" the voice shouts. Blinking slowly, I notice I'm in a hospital bed. I lift my hand up groggily, there's an IV in my arm. The hand gently moves to my jaw. "Kit darling, thank god you're awake". Moving my head I expect to see Xandra. "Xandra?" I croak, my throat dry. My eyes widen at who's at my bedside. Ms Anderson. She has a worry struck face with teary eyes.

"no.......no......NO" I shout in a panic, I go to move my arms but realise I don't have complete movement of my body yet. My breathing turning frantic as I'm stuck. She looks at me with wide eyes. "Sweetheart calm down" she shushes moving her closer. I dig my head into the back of the pillow. Suddenly a team of doctors rush in to tend to me. "M'am can you leave the room?" a nurse asks Rose. She gets up towards the door, but before leaving she looks at me one more time. Her face creepily smiling at me, not breaking eye contact. Fucking psycho.

A few minutes go by and the doctors have checked my vitals etc. Finally being able to sit up, I notice my injuries. The majority of my ribs were all broken, leaving me exasperated after one breath. My face was badly bruised, but luckily other than my ribs they didn't manage to break any other bones. "W-what happened?" I question a nurse, who's changing my bandages. "Well........your girlfriend brought you in. She was so hysterical, something about you being attacked.........but we don't even know the full story yet." she ends with a tight lip. "I'm s-sorry, girlfriend? Is that what she said?" I ask worriedly. The nurse looks at me funny, "Yeah? why is is complicated?" she tries to joke with me. I stare at the wall emotionless.

"Just rest.... your body's been through enough trauma to last you a lifetime." she ends with a pitiful smile. I nod looking down at the floor. I see a bag beside my bed and decide to root through it. In it are my blood stained clothes, I grimace taking them out. Still searching, I notice my phone at the bottom. It's completely smashed to pieces. Too my surprise, it turns on and I suddenly hear constant buzzing. I have to call Xandra, tell her where I am. Picking it up I see multiple notifications.

Xandra -  57 Missed Calls
Larry - 2 Missed Calls

Xandra : Where are you.

Xandra : Can we talk

Xandra : Kit, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean what I said.

Xandra : Please, I can't loose you.

Was she manipulating me or did she mean it?  I mean she did try to call me an absurd amount of times. As I go to text her a voice enters, "Who are you texting?" Rose smiles. I whip my head up, "Xandra, I need her to know where I am" I state coldly. Rose has an unreadable expression. She hums stepping further, "Well......she's not here....but I am".

I look up angrily, "Yeah about that, how the fuck are you here?? HOW?? Were you following me?! Did you set me up???" I burst, my emotions getting the better of me. She walks closer to me. "I would never!.....I saw you walking, I couldn't just leave you there.......the world is a dangerous place Kit, I had to make sure you were safe" she admits as she goes to place her hand on my cheek. I grab it before it makes contact. "I'm done playing your games, I want to be left alone." I announce exhausted. Exhausted at the fact she can't get that through her thick skull.

Rose completely changes demeanour, her soft and gentle exterior to now fury and rage. "If you think for one second that blonde bitch cares about you, think again. She left you!!! but not me, not me Kit!!!" She rants, eyes burning holes into me. "She said she DIDN'T LOVE YOU" Rose shouts right in my face. How did she know that? I never told her about the argument I had with Xandra. Looking at her in terror, I take a shivered breath.

"I never told you about that......" I murmur, shaking ever so slightly. Rose looks annoyed at herself now. She moves nearer to me, face scarily close. I feel her hot breath on my face. "I am everywhere" she whispers in my ear, it coming out louder than expected. With a smirk she leans back out and stands up. She acts like nothing happened and quickly changes her expression back to her kind facade. "Hungry?" she questions happily.

Out of nowhere I hear a commotion outside in the hall, "NO!! You tell me what room she's in NOW GOD DAMN IT" a voice screams. It can't be. My eyes instinctively well up. "M'am you have to be related to the patien-" the doctor huffs. Footsteps start approaching my door, getting louder by the second. Rose looks at me with rage. The door swings open, there she is. Xandra.

Taking no notice to Rose at all she sprints over to me. Tears flowing freely down her face. She takes my face in between her hands. I finally get to smell her Lavender scent. I place my hands on top of hers, giving it a gentle squeeze. "I'm so sorry" Xandra cries kissing my forehead. I simply reply by pushing my head against hers. With her hands still on my cheeks, she leans out taking full notice of my injuries. "W-who did this to you" she shakes her head with a sob. "It doesn't matter, you're here now" I smile, she pulls me close in an embrace, sniffling over my shoulder. Xandra stroking my neck softly with her acrylics, I see Ms Anderson's still in the room.

She coughs to get our attention. Xandra breaks our hug but still holds my hand. She focuses on Rose. "And you are?" Xandra disregards her. I stare between the two women. My nightmare finally coming true, two of them finally in the same room. "Just an old friend" Rose smiles, she goes to leave the room but stops and makes one last bit of eye contact to me. Then, she was gone.

"How did you find me?" I mutter. Xandra putting her attention back on me. "You have a locater app on your phone,......I forgot about it til this morning and when I-" she pauses as she's about to cry again. I wipe her tears away wanting her to finish. She takes a breath. "When I saw you were in a hospital, I-I panicked. I didn't know if you were dead" She starts to fully sob, "And our last conversation being...being...so awful" she places her hands on her face. I hug her, trying to comfort her. Damn she really was upset.

(Play Song :)

"Shhh it's ok, I'm not dead, I'm here with you." I breath out. Releasing from the hug, she looks like she wants to say something. "Kit...the whole time,.... I was screaming at myself because-" she pauses, I nod for her to go on. "because I regret............I regret not saying, not saying........I love you back, because Jesus Christ I love you. I love you so much it hurts. I was so scared when you said it at first.....so I distanced myself. I wanted to make you hate me....because... I just knew I'd end up hurting you." She finally stops, but I look at her dumbfounded.

She....loves me? Did I hear that right? Did she really just say that? She takes my cheeks back into her hands, "Say something" she whispers biting her lip anxiously. "I've loved you the minute I saw you" I blurt, but not caring about the consequences this time. She whimpers slightly out of relief, like she was so nervous I didn't feel that way anymore. Staring at each other, I lean in slowly, she mimics my movement. She connects our lips and we kiss slowly. This being the most meaningful kiss we've ever shared. Nothing mattered to us in that moment, because we had each other.

I had my Xandra back.


How are we feeling about the way this story's going? Any ideas or recommendations? I'm unsure what direction to write this in but I'll brainstorm a few ideas! Appreciate you all! Much Love <33

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