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This chapters cute, I hope lol. Enjoy!!! Also if you have any recommendations or requests for the story please comment!!!!
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I appreciate you all so much! I love writing this story for you guys! x💓


"Okay I have another question" I grin to Xandra. She takes a spoon of her mint chocolate chip in her mouth and nods for me to go on.

"Have you ever broken the law?" I finish taking a sip of my milkshake. She quirks her brows. "Well that's a new one" she laughs. "I mean you don't have to answer it" I chuckle back, swirling my straw. Xandra brushes he hair back behind her shoulders, making her tanned collarbones in plain sight. She looks at me with a slight grin.

"Once" she takes another scoop. "Okay, well then tell me!" I quip back eager to find out. She smirks, "Well, I was 17 at the time....I think. My friend and I were shopping at some mall by the boulevard, not too far from here actually" she points out the window. "I had already spent my allowance on some pair of sparkly shoes.......and thats when I saw it" she dramatically looks at me. "Saw what!!" I retort back intrigued, moving closer to get a better listen. "Kit, it was beautiful, I'd never seen anything like it before". "Spit it out Xan!!!!!" I cry for her to tell me the rest.

"It was.........a velvet bodysuit" she blurts holding her hand by her mouth to stop herself from laughing. "A body suit, really?" I ask unimpressed. "Honey, you don't understand. It had a criss cross back, and it was sparkly!!! It matched the shoes I had just gotten!!!" Xandra waved her hands in the air, trying to get me to understand how 'unique' this body suit was. "I mean, I got caught. Grounded for 5 months, I definitely learned my lesson. I've been trying to find it ever since. My life's not complete without it" she sighs dramatically, causing me to laugh at her dramatisation.

The fact that 17 year old Xandra stole a velvet body suit, doesn't seem out of character for her. She is very stylish to say the least. I smile at her and how passionate she is about a simple piece of clothing.

Xandra notices me staring and smiles back. "I really thought you had somethin crazy for me there" I nod my head sitting back. "Alright then miss rule breaker, what have you done" she quirks mimicking my posture. "What have I done? Xandra, you're really asking me that" I look at her with a playful smirk. She sits up, "Well, go on, I'm interested" she states taking scoop. I sit there for a moment, trying to remember all the laws I have ever broken. I must have been thinking for a bit too long as Xandra steps on my foot gently to get me to continue.

"Well I mean first of all, underage drinking" I smile, she nods her head with a laugh, "Boringggg" she joshed waving me off. The only thing I have next in my mind was something I'd never spoke to Xandra about it. She knew ever since that cop pointed out my old needle marks but she never brought it up. "Well, I've done drugs, quite alot actually" I grimace at my past. Xandra looks at me intently, like she was waiting for this subject to come up. "Coke, Xanny, pills........when I was at my desperate times, I did cheap heroine. I don't recommend it, shit gives you marks for life" I laugh trying to lighten the mood. I'm always afraid of peoples opinions changing of me when they find this information out. "These are from heroin" I lift up my sleeve and point to the scars on my arm.

Xandra takes my arm in her hands, softly brushing over the marks ever so gently with her fingers. "Do you think differently of me?" I stutter lifting my head up, Xandra changes her gaze from my arm to my eyes, "What type of question is that?" she almost seemed hurt that I'd think she'd think that. "Well, people haven't always been kind about it, they'd rather hear about it on the news, not see it in real life" I sheepishly mutter to her.

With my arm still in her hand, she brings it up to her lips, kissing it tenderly a few times. She moves her lips to the palm of my hand, kissing it again slowly. "Did that answer your question?" Xandra smiles into my hand. I look at her in awe. This woman, my god this woman cannot be real. How am I, Kit Carter, sitting with such a sweet, compassionate person? I leap forward and hug her so tight, I think my circulation will stop, but I simply do not care. She kisses my temple and mutters, "What kind of silly question was that" at the side of my head, her lips still pressed on my skin and words coming out muffled.


We've left the ice cream parlour and are now on our way home. We're driving along highway 17. Sitting beside Xandra I keep glancing at her. She catches me a few times but the third time she leans her free hand over brushing the hair out my eyes. A few minutes go by and I hear Xandra mutter "Fuck sake". Turning my head towards her I raise my brows, "Everything ok m'am" I joke. She looks over at me with a grimace. "We're outta gas". I feel the car tug back, but it still has the man power to go another mile or two.

I spot a gas station on my left and tap my finger on the window, "Aha, look" I beam. Xandra sees where I'm pointing too and smiles. She drives in parking by a gas meter. What I notice are two shops beside it, a comic store and some boutique. Xandra gets out and fills the tank. "Want anything?" she asks shouting from outside the car. I smile and nod my head. She leaves to go inside the store and that's when I see it.

Stepping out the car slowly, I walk a minute or so to the boutique by the gas station. I laugh to myself and nod. "You're really testing me" I look up to the sky, trying to talk to whoever are playing these games on me. There it was, a velvet bodysuit, with yes, a criss cross back. Stepping inside the store, a bell goes off the front door. An middle aged woman is sat by the register not paying any attention to me. Swaying back and forth I walk toward the bodysuit and check for a price. "Fucking hell" I whisper, the damn thing is $95. I definitely don't have that much with me but one thing I do know, is that I'm leaving with it.

Taking it off the hanger I try be as quiet as possible. I slowly move it under my shirt and hold it firmly. Finally reaching the door I sigh out of relief, knowing I got away with it.

(Play Song Now)

"HEY" the cashier shouts. FUCK, I bolt out the door and see Xandra's back in the car, she squints her eyes at me trying to see why I'm running. "What the hell is she doing" Xandra whispers to herself in the car. I'm sprinting as fast as I can, the lady running behind me. "GO GO" I shout to Xandra. She rolls down the windows, "Kit, what are you doin-". I slide in the through the open window and push her foot on the pedal. "KIT WHAT THE HEL-" "DRIVE" I scream. Xandra complies and pulls out of the gas station full force.

"HELL YEAH BABY" I shout as were zooming down the highway, Xandra looks at me panicked. "Kit??? What was that about????" she demands looking from the road back to me rapidly. "Oh just you wait" I smile tapping her knee. She gives me a wide eye expression, too frazzled to think straight.

Another law broken? Yep!

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