The forgotten element

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Y/ns pov

I stood next to Skyler as they brought in the others. Sighed watching them all being dragged in. When they came to a stop Skyler looked away.

"That's right look away, your a traitor" he said and I growled.

"We don't have much of a choice Chen is more powerful and he always gets his own way" I said.

"I wonder if it was Chen's plan to make me fall for you cause it worked" he said which made Skyler gasp and look down.

I glared at him then Chen got out of his seat and started chatting about the green ninja but all I could think off twas what Kai said.

Chen used his staff to take all there powers and I sighed. They was about to be taken away. "Wait please spare Kai I have seen inside his head he could help us" Skyler said and my jaw dropped.

"Yes, yes leave the red one" Chen said. Chen looked over at me and saw that I was angry but also felt better. "What wrong child" Chen asked.

"Nothing I'm fine" I said walking out the room. I couldn't believe she would do something like that. Doesn't she know I love her.

I walked into my room and slammed the door behind me and started to pace. "What was she thinking........maybe she wasn't thinking" I whispered.

The door opened and Skyler stood there with a smile on her face but when she saw me it faded. "What's wrong" she asked walking over and holding my hands.

"Nothing" I said pushing her off and walking over to my balcony. She sighed and walked over to me.

"Is this about Kai" she said and I looked at her like she was crazy. "I only asked if we could keep him so that he can help us defeat my father so then the both of us will be free" she said laying her hand on my shoulder and I sighed.

"Fine but if he tried anything I will rip his throat out and chew on his bones like chew toys" I said making her chuckle.

"Always protective" Skyler said, I let out a long sigh "Lloyd will be coming soon and Chen has sat a trap for him" Skyler said.

"What kind of trap" i asked and she shrugged her shoulders. I watched as the bird played in the sky. "It would feel so nice to be free again" I said

"Yeah I agree so much better then being trapped here" she said and I nodded. "Come on let's get some rest before the green ninja comes" Skyler said grabbing my hand and leading me back into my room.

Time skip

I walked down to the dugeons to were Chen was keep Garmadon and Nya. We walked down to see them chained up. "Where my son what did you do to him" Garmadon said.

"Calm down he's safe I have him locked away but by the end of the night he's going to be powerless" Chen laughed.

"How did you do it, how did you defeat him" Nya asked and I shook my head. I looked over and saw Kai walk into the room.

"No" Nya cried.

"You turned the Ninja against each other just like you did with the elemental masters" Garmadon said. He grabbed Skyler and choked her.

I turned into a wolf ready to kill him but when Chen and clouse laughed I growled. "I thought you had changed, Sensei Garmadon" Chen laughed

Garmadon sighed and let Skyler go I ran over to her and made sure she was ok we both glared at Chen. "Y/n stop this now we both know your better then this" Garmadon said.

I turned back and sighed "I don't have a choice I want to see my father again" I said and Garmadon sighed.

"Y/n your father is dead" Garmadon said and I gasped falling to the floor. Then I looked back up at him and growled.

"Lair" I spat before walking out we all walked up the stairs and Kai grabbed skyler.

"Do you really let your father treat you like that" Kai asked and I walked over.

"I don't have a choice he's my dad I can't do anything to stop him" Skyler said.

"Let me get close to him and when he fully trusts me I will take the staff and smash it" Kai said and I shook my head.

"Why are you telling me this after I betrayed you" Skyler asked and I looked at Kai who smiled.

"Because the feelings I have for you aren't fake and I know I can trust you" Kai said and I saw skyler blush. I scoffed and walked away.

Late that night

I stood there next to Skyler but I didn't say a thing. I didn't know what to say to her she lied to me she likes Kai. I sighed looking down at the floor.

I looked back up to see Lloyd being dragged in. The two men chained him to the floor and Chen looked at the boh of us. I bowed infront of him. "My power is now yours" I said.

Be laughed and used the staff to take my powers. I started to feel really weak and when it was don't I stood up and walked tot the side. Everything seemed so different when my senses aren't hightened.

Skyler also gave her power to Chen and I signed I wanted to comfort her so badly but now she has Kai I didnt want it get in the way.

Chen laughed and took Lloyd power he was now the most powerful man in all of Ninjago. Clouse got his spell book out and started the ritual.

Skyler stood next to Chen while I stayed in the shadows. "Hey Chen you forgot one element" kai said "surprise" he said charging for Chen and grabbing the staff.

He started to use it to save us but when Lloyd told him to smash it the power had corrupted him. Lloyd stood infront of me and protected me.

"Stay behind me who knows what kai's going to do" Lloyd said and I nodded.

"You are the only thing between me and Skyler and your going to pay" Kai said but before he could shoot people stormed though.

I sighed and took a deep breath "that was close" I said to myself I started to fight the others.

Kai got the staff and smashed it against the floor. I smiled as I felt my powers return. "I'm back" I said turning into a wolf.

The battle was finished and I looked around for Skyler but she was no where to be seen. "Skyler" I shouted. I turned around to see Garmadon.

"Y/n Chen took her" he said and I fell to my knees and cried.

"But I love her" I cried.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2021 ⏰

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