Chapter Two - Enemy

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Four long classes later, I've finally made it to lunch period.

I hurry through the halls toward the cafeteria, shooting glares at the students staring at me. They do not want to mess with a newly brain-dead, hangry student on her way to lunch.

It would only end badly for them.

As I enter the lunchroom, my eyes travel to the 'popular' table, and I spot my best friend, Abigail, sitting there already along with the football team; they're more her friends than mine.

By that, I mean she's dated the majority of them. All but two.

One is gay, and the other has been taken. By me. Romantically-wise.

But she doesn't need to know that.

I make my way to the table and she turns to look at me as I sit down, her strawberry blonde ponytail swinging over her shoulder as she smiles.

"Hey! I was just wondering when you were going to get here. I almost thought you were going to skip."

Is she stupid? Who in their right mind skips lunch? Or in their wrong mind? Who, in any state of mind, skips food!?

I sigh. "Well, I'm here now. There's no need for any further worries."

I turn my head toward an all too familiar laugh approaching the table.

Introducing the infamous Luca Cortez: prior best friend, current posing enemy. Though our fathers were the best of friends, my mother has always had an issue with their family and forbids us from ever having any friendly relations.

He's already looking at me when my eyes meet his, a smile still glued to his face.

"Honey, there weren't any worries in the first place. She was just wondering how long she had until her lost puppy would come and find her."

I shrug, his words not bothering me in the slightest. "At least puppies are cute, unlike the skunk that you are." A skunk? Really, Arabella, that's the best you can do?

"To be honest," he sits down beside me and spreads his legs out in front of him, uncomfortably entering my personal space, "skunks are adorable animals, so thank you for the compliment." He winks, then steals one of my chips, creating a loud crunch as he eats it.

Rolling my eyes and glaring at him, I continue, "Yeah, but they stink. I mean, did you even take a shower after practice this morning?"

He ignores my question, leaning in until his lips brush my ear, and whispers, "You don't have to pretend you don't like how I smell, because you and I both know you love it."

I shiver, wanting to kick myself for having this reaction to him in front of our friends at school even though I never let any true facial expression slip through.

Seriously, Bella, you need to stop slipping up. You can't be nice to him for one second outside of the house or your mom will hear about it and kill you.

But I don't care if I d—

Don't you dare say that Bella, we love us okay? Plus now we have our man to live for. He needs us. He loves us. Also, I really don't feel like meeting Satan just yet. At least wait a few more years.

Hey! We're not going to hell!

Well, you never kno—

"Arabella Juniper Sawyer!"

My best friend's voice pulls me from my conversation with myself, and I look over her with wide eyes. She never uses my middle name.

"What? And don't use my middle name, I'm not a damn plant." I glance over at Luca, who sat back in his seat, smirking.

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