Chapter Five - Role Model

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A/N: Sooooo sorry that I haven't updated in a couple days. I am so sleep deprived right now, this chapter isn't that well written (even though it's really cute), and I keep making too many jokes that aren't funny. 

Which means I reallyyyy need to get some sleep.

Anyywhooo, sorry for this short note, but I hope you enjoy!


It's finally the weekend.

Yesterday was busy. In the morning, I dealt with my daily dose of 'drunk mom', then I drove to and sat through school all day, only to learn I had two more homework assignments I didn't end up doing. After that, I went to watch and take pictures at football practice, followed by me driving home, making dinner, cleaning the bakery kitchen of the dinner mess, singing my grandma to sleep, and cuddling with Camila, Luca's two-year-old sister, before she fell asleep.

All before I got to see Luca again.

But now, we're going to spend the whole weekend in our bedroom, making the most of our time together.

Which, of course, means cuddling together with popcorn and all of the chocolate and candy we could find at the store while binge-watching Harry Potter.

Which starts on this Saturday morning. Which also just so happens to be right about now.

Luca is currently sitting on my bed and hugging my pillow while looking through the movies, confused.

"I still don't understand why they would make two movies out of the last book. I mean I get that it would be longer, but why wouldn't they just make it all one big movie and have, like, an intermission in the middle or something. Like they do in plays." I watch as his face scrunches in confusion as I pull my grey sweatpants over my legs.

I throw my hair into a messy bun, but not without having to fix the hood on my hoodie that irritatingly went along with all laws of gravity and decided to fall with my hair when I flipped it upside down, and walk over to where Luca's sitting.

Sitting down cross-legged next to him on the bed, I lean against him, resting my chin on his shoulder. "The producers of the movies wanted to display more of the Deathly Hallows than what is written in the books, so they created two separate movies, or else the movie would be four to five hours long. Even that is a little bit too long to just have an intermission."

He smiles and turns his face toward mine, our lips just a breath apart, and his voice a low murmur. "I guess you're right. You're always right." He presses a quick kiss to my lips, then attacks me with tickles, his fingers probing my rib cages. Soon enough, we're lying horizontally on my bed, him still tickling me, and me laughing uncontrollably as he begins to peck kisses all over my face with a huge grin on his face. "My beautiful," peck. "Intelligent," peck. "Crazy," peck. "Perfect baby. All mine," he says as he continues to shower my face with kisses while I giggle.

Yes, giggle.

We have never been one to giggle, but I guess here we are.

I guess he brings out the crazy in us, right?

Oh, come on, hun, you, as the outside face of us, have not done a very good job at hiding our crazy. Now, are you going to do something, or are you going to let him tickle us until you pee your pants?

Hey! Not even Camila pees her pants anymore! And she's not even three yet!

That's why it would make it even more embarrassing if you were to do it. You cannot, whatsoever, embarrass us like that.

TitlesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora