Chapter Six - Girlfriend

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"Baby, hurry up!" Luca is up changing the movie to the second one, and the moment he got up I was already cold. I pout. "I'm cold."

He laughs. "I haven't even been up for half a minute, Ara. Besides, I'm almost done."

A few seconds later, the previews of the second movie begin to play, and he's making his way back toward my bed. My back is against the headboard as he lies down between my legs, his back to my chest.

I kiss the top of his head as I wrap my arms around him, and he leans into me, snuggling closer. "I love weekends," he mumbles.

Sighing, I bring one of my hands up to cup his cheek, my thumb smoothing over the soft skin. "Me too, babe, me too."

He nuzzles his face into my hand, kissing my palm and sighing in content.

We watch the movie for another two and a half hours before it finishes, and I poke Luca to tell him to change the movie when I realize he's now sleeping.

Now that I think about it, in the middle of the movie, he did turn a bit to cuddle his face into my neck.

I stop my poking and admire his peaceful sleeping face. His soft lips in a small, cute pout, his eyelashes brushing over his cheekbones, his dark brown hair messy from my fingers running through it.

Deciding to let him sleep, I try to reach over to my nightstand to grab the remote without waking him, but as soon as I grab hold of the device, I can feel him stirring on my chest.

Quickly turning the movie off, I lay back down how I was before, hoping to help him fall back asleep.

He rubs his cheek against me, trying to snuggle impossibly closer. I can hear his quiet, raspy voice ask for me while clutching me closer to him, his body tense, and his face scrunched up in pain.

Ever since a few years ago, when his father got arrested and never came home that night, he's had nightmares and fear of abandonment, frequently making sure either his mom or I are around.

I brush my fingers across his cheek and into his hair and kiss the top of his head. "Shh, baby, I'm here. It's okay. Relax, Lu."

He visibly relaxes at my words, his eyes still closed. "Mmkay." After a moment, his face tenses again. "B-but, Ara,"

I keep my lips pressed into his hair. "Yes, baby?"

"D-don't leave me. Come b-back this time." He rocks me back and forth as he holds me as well as he can while we're lying down.

He's still dreaming, Bella.

Yes, thank you for your quite clear observation.

He's shaking now, hysterical in his sleep, fresh tears trailing down his face. "Please don't leave me, Ara! You can't leave me!"

Wake him the hell up, he's in hysterics!

I nudge his shoulder. "Lu, wake up."

He just clings to me tighter, shaking violently.

I shake his shoulder. Hard. "Luca! Luca, baby, you have to wake up, you're—"

"No! No! You can't! You, you..." His eyes flutter open and the shaking stops as he looks up at me, loosening his grip around me.

This is the worst dream he's had in months, but when the bad ones come, they're bad.

His lip quivers as his eyes dart between mine, helpless and disbelieving. He can't believe I am actually here after his dream.

"Ara, I-I..." His mouth is agape as if he wants to say more, but the words can't escape him. His eyes well up and his chin trembles.

I let out a breath. "Come here, babe." He buries his face in the side of my neck as I hold him close to me. "I'm not going anywhere, Luca."

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