Coordinator Versus Human

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Currently, there's been a shoot-out happens in the Feruda village. The Coordinators is now have the advantage but they clearly outnumbered. They need all of the skills if they want to fight the Order.

“ PREPARE THE ROCKET LAUNCHER!!!” screamed the Order soldier.

The Order quickly shooting rockets at the Coordinators. Half of them got obliterated by the explosion.

“ READY TO FIRE!!!” said the Order soldier.

Not far from there, a wounded Coordinators take a locket with a picture of his family inside.

“ This is the end for me. Forgive me, my family.” the Coordinator cried.

The Order is ready to fire rockets again. One of the rocket is aimed towards the crying Coordinators. He close his eyes. He is ready to accept his fate. Suddenly..

“ It's not too late to see your family again.” said Yamano.

Yamano is currently holding the rockets with bare hand. The crying Coordinator are stunned with Yamano's superior strength.

This is the power of L-5 Coordinators.” said the Coordinators.

“ Hey!! Is this yours??” Yamano asked.

Yamano quickly kick the rocket towards the Order group. Many of them are killed. Akihito, however, manage to grab a rocket that been shot by the Order and holding it like a football. The Order soldier are shocked.

“ It supposed to be explode when in contact with something.” said the Order soldier.

Akihito smiled when suddenly, he ran towards the Order soldier. Akihito is charging towards the soldier with the rocket on his hand. The Order noticed this and running away but Akihito is still chasing them.

“ What are you doing?? Come back here!!” Akihito chased the Order.

The rocket exploded, leaving the Order soldier killed by the explosion. Akihito got flung by the impact of the explosion. His body stuck on a wall but Akihito is completely fine.

“ Awesome!!” said Akihito.

Midnight saw Akihito got flung and tell Darren.

“ He's crazy, dude. I'm telling you. You saw that, Darren?? Tell me you saw that. ” said Midnight.

“ How can I see?? I'm blind.” Darren reminds Midnight.

Darren and Midnight reached the center of the village. Midnight saw Yamano and Akihito fighting together. Both of them are trying the shift the balance. He used this chance to give order to his backup crew.

“ Men!! Fall back!!! Let the L-5 Coordinators fight!! Grab the wounded!!” Midnight screamed.

The surviving Coordinators grabbed their wounded comrade are retreating towards the village entry.
One of the sniper is aiming one of the  Coordinators when Darren stops him.

“ Not so fast.”Darren said.

Darren quickly kill the sniper, allowing Midnight to help his crew. Meanwhile, Yamano threatening an Order soldier to give Kai's whereabout.

“ Tell me where your boss is?? NOW!!!” asked Yamano angrily.

“He.. He's in the church, waiting for all of you.” said the soldier.

“ Thanks.” said Yamano.

“ Wait. You're not going to kill me??” asked the Order soldier.

“ If I want to kill people, I can do it in many different way. Torturing is not one of it.” said Yamano.

“ Thank... Thank you.. For sparring my life.” bowed the soldier.

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