" The Battle Of Monsters. Yamano Vs Akihito & Darren"

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Above the clear sky, Yamano hovers menacingly as he is looking down on his brothers who betrayed him. Today, the fight will be catastrophic and certainly will destroy anything in their way.

“ This is going to be bad. We forgot that Yamano is half-angel.” said Sarah.

“ Aniiki. Angel is the strongest creature in this world. There's no species in this world can beat angels.” Darren warned.

“ and Yamano is the strongest L-5 Coordinators between the seven of us. That makes him the most dangerous one. Capable on destroying half the continent or even worse, this world.” Akihito said.

“ Darling....” Miko scared.

Yamano slowly landing on the ground, taunting his brothers to fight.

“ To think that I have this power and not using it. I supposed to use it to crush the Order but now, so sad that I will use my power for the first time to kill my brothers. How cruel fate can be.” Yamano said.

“ You can just stop, Yamano. End all this and there will be no lives being taken away.” said Darren.

“ You know that I cannot do that. This world needs a saviour. I will eradicate all monster-girl in this world starting with killing both of you.” Yamano said.

“ Darren. You don't need to talk like that. Our beloved brother has fallen deep into the darkness. He will never return back to us anymore.” said Akihito.

“ I will now consider myself as the light that will save humanity from the reign of monster-girls. This is the day to show you that human will achieve freedom.” said Yamano.

“ If you start this, Yamano. There will be no turning back. After this, wherever you are, we will hunt you down.” Akihito replied.

“ Such threat doesn't scared me anymore.” Yamano smiled.

Akihito and Darren is ready to fight Yamano. They need to do it because they have to. If they didn't do it, who else going to fight Yamano.

“ Darren. I know that we have no chance on winning against Yamano but we have to kill him. There's no other way.” said Akihito.

“ The sacrifice we need to endure.” Darren said.

“ Aniiki, Darren. If only both of you can join me. I don't want to lose my brother.” said Yamano.

Suddenly, Yamano dissappear out of thin air and standing  between Akihito and Darren. Yamano raised both of his arm and hug Akihito and Darren. Akihito and Darren didn't noticed that Yamano is standing between them. Yamano become so fast that his movement is the speed of light.

“ ( So fast.)” Akihito said to himself.

“ ( I didn't sense him movement and he's now right in front of me??)” Darren said to himself.

“ but I am ready to lose them now.” Yamano said.

Both of them are completely shock due to Yamano's fast movement. Darren quickly take a step back and deliver a heavy blow to Yamano.

“ Right on target.” Darren exclaimed.

Darren's hand is near Yamano's cheek. The hit connects but Yamano isn't the one who take the blow. Darren can feel that he just punched the wrong person. Sarah and Miko saw Darren's fist hitting Akihito on the side of the head.

“ Aniiki!!!” Darren shouted.

Yamano quickly kicked Darren on the guts in a speed of light. Darren starting to vomit blood.

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