" New Mission!! L-5 On The Move"

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Thank you for coming here. First, great work on capturing Kai Izaru. We will keep an eye on him from now on. Even though the biggest threat has been detained, we still have a lot of things to do. Thanks to the L-5 Coordinators, now we knew that the Hyde Industry has become the main weapon supplier for the Order. Intel tells me that they are working on weapons that can make massive destruction to our world. We don't know what this weapon are capable of but one thing for sure, it will be the greatest tools for the Order to fight us. Since I got the order from Judge Gray, she wants Yamano Yusuri to handle this mission, personally. Are you okay with that??

I will do whatever I can to help her. Consider it done.

Good. I want you to destroy their factory. We cannot let the secret weapon been manufactured there but do it discreetly.

I will.

Next, there has been rumoured that the  number of Order soldiers is increasing these days. I suspect that they managed to open a portal to connect the Human world with this world. We cannot let this chance slipped. I want Akihito and Darren to investigate the disturbance and possibly, kill the Order soldiers. Are you up to the task??

Sure, boss. I can take them on anytime.

We can't let them roam free like that. We need to terminate them as soon as possible.

Good, we really need your help right now and the three of you are the one that capable to do such a task. Thank you for protecting us. Dismiss..

Yamano, Akihito and Darren walking out from the briefing room. The three of them walking together and discussing their plan.

“ So, what should we do now??” asked Akihito.

“ Both of you should pack your bags and leave as soon as possible. As the time past, the number of Order soldier increases.” Yamano said.

“ What about you, Yamano?? What are you going to do next??” asked Darren.

“ I think I need to see your big sister for a moment. I need her help.” Yamano replied.

“ Let's go meet her.” Darren smiled.

“ You guys. Go ahead. I need to start packing. Darren, I'll see you later.”Akihito said.

Akihito quickly went back to his room. Yamano followed Darren back to his room to see Sarah. Both Sarah and Darren living together so she can focus on helping her little brother.
As they're on the way, Darren is having a conversation with Yamano about the vacation. Few minutes later, they've arrived right in front of the door.

“ Wait a second. Let me knock the door.” said Darren.

He knocked the door a few times. It took a while for Sarah to open the door.

“ COMING!!!” Sarah shouted from the inside.

Sarah opens the door. In a blink of a second, Yamano didn't know what to do. Either to smile or laugh. Both of it has serious consequences. Yamano saw Sarah in her hamster onesie.

“ Darren-kun. I am glad that you're back.” Sarah jumped with joy.

“ About that....” Darren lower his voice.

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