Chapter 1

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TW: Abuse, bad Christian views, threats of harm, homophobia, OCs

Ro; Veeeeeeeeee
V; What?
Ro; Soooo We have a new kid and he is just the sweetest little puff ball you could ever meet.
V; So what?
Ro; Now don’t be rude! He gave me cookies! I bet you’d like him! But he hadn’t talked to his soulmate(s?) all day! Maybe he could be our #3?
V; Not everyone has 3 soulmates it's also really rare
Ro: I knooooow. I can be hopeful though Moody B Moans.
V; Don’t get your hopes up princey
Ro; I just feel like something/someone is missing…
V; Maybe... 
Ro; But if so-
V; No. That’s my job. Might be situational??
Ro; Then I shall save him from his situation that holds him back from his true loves!

Ro; Hey! I can feel that eyeroll from here!
V; Whoops? I gtg. Driving
Ro; Awwww. Talk to you later V!

Patton put his hands to his eyes to keep the tears from falling onto the paper. They seemed still so much happier without him. They were so cute together. He had the book first but he never said hi. Usually he would be the first to say anything but it didn’t seem right then. It feels even worse now. He can’t. Not him. His parents would disown him. Not only was he gay but poly too! Why? They were nice… well seemed nice. Probably wouldn’t be when he finally wrote to them. Gosh… He had never felt more pathetic. His soulmates deserved so much better. If he could apologize without exposing himself he would. 

Patton flinched at the loud sound outside. He couldn’t deal with it. No. No. Please. Not today. It’s not time yet. Please just a little more time. He didn’t want to get yelled at again and threatened for not telling them about his soulmates. If he told them it’d get worse. Spare the rod spoil the child so they say… He took some deep breaths and cleaned up a bit. Almost dinner. Then he can go do homework and go to bed. Any mark made by his parents wouldn’t show up for his soulmate. It had to be from him deliberately. A shaky breath as he plasters on a smile and that “Good Christian Boy” look. They were having company over. A nice family with a female child they were trying to set up their failure of a child up with. He had been told that over and over. The only problem was that she loved her soulmate. She called her soulmate sunshine but when talking about her soulmate she tried to avoid any pronouns by replacing it with the nickname. It was so cute! He wishes them all the best but he had heard that she would be going to “camp” so would he if he did or didn’t answer their questions. He was so scared. He hadn’t even told Megan about his soulmates. Part of him had hoped they’d move on and forget. Oh how he wished that was how it worked. No, they know somethings missing. They always will till they find him. That was a scary thought. If they found him at all. He can’t deal with that right now.

After a bit Megan and her family arrived. He didn’t even realize it until his father yelled his name across the house. Making him flinch again. He quickly ran down to his mother’s side. A plastered on smile as his mom placed an iron gripped hand on his shoulder to keep him there and obedient.

    “Hello Mr. and Mrs. Willis,” Patton’s father greeted Megan’s parents, “make yourselves at home. Dinner is almost ready.”

    “Well of course. I’m sure it’ll be scrumptious as always,” Mr. Willis responded before looking at Megan, “why don’t you and Patton go visit for a little while. We’ll call you when dinner’s ready,” Megan nodded in response before looking at Patton with a sympathetic look and heading to his room. The parents trusted them after all. Something he felt he would never get back when he told his parents about his soulmates.

“Remember Patton what we had talked about,” his father whisper hissed into his ear. He only nodded before he was released to follow Megan. He walks up to his room and shuts the door. Sliding down it with a heavy sigh. Megan having sat on his bed. She already had out her soulbook and was smiling at it. Something he felt jealous of, he didn’t feel happy. Was that normal? He felt that someone had written in his soulbook but he couldn’t look at it right now. Not with company. However he wouldn’t force Megan to talk to him. She seemed so happy. Like nothing could bring her down while she had her soulmate. That must be nice… He put his head in his hands for a moment. Taking some deep breaths to calm down. He was okay. They wouldn’t do anything with company here unless he really acted out which he wouldn’t ever do. Humming softly to himself the newest song they learned from church choir that was up beat enough to help. It didn’t really but hey he could still lie to himself that it did.

What if he told them tonight? They wouldn’t “punish” him right? He’d get off scot free? Patton looked around his room for a second while Marget wasn’t paying any attention to him. Just to be on the safe side, he reassured himself. He got up and started packing a few things in a backpack. His soulmate journal and a pen hidden in the mess of clothes. His phone and other essentials in the front of the backpack just incase.

When they were called down for dinner Patton grabbed his two backpacks and set them near the door with a small sad smile. Marget had noticed what Patton was doing but didn’t ask any questions to bring attention to it. They had to do what they had to do. His parents sat at one end while Marget’s sat at the other. Marget and Patton were left facing each other in the middle.

“Let’s say grace,” his mom said with a small nod, extending her hands for her husband and son to take. A soft smile on her face. So unsuspecting. Patton swallowed harshly feeling as if the atmosphere was choking him. However he took his mom’s hand and Mr. Willis’ hand as well. Bowing his head and closing his eyes as if in prayer. No. He didn’t hear any of the prayer. His blood sounding too loud in his ears. Yet by some miracle he realized the end of the prayer and joined in the ending of, “amen.”

The families went silent as food was passed out aside from the occasional, “can you pass that this way please,” Patton having gotten a little bit of everything as to not look suspicious. He had been struggling with eating a bit but was slowly getting better with it. It was also hard to eat when fearful of the next thing that could happen.

“Patton?” He glanced up at his name, “Hm?”
“Are you alright sweetheart?” Patton cringed slightly at the nickname, “you just look a little pale.”
“I’m okay.”
“Are you sure? You haven’t touched your food,” now everyone was staring. Great.
“I’m sure. Just not very hungry.”
Seemingly satisfied with that answer she turned back to Mrs. Willis and continued their chat. He breathed out a soft sigh of relief before hearing his dad’s conversation with Mr. Willis.
“My boy will bring a nice young girl home.”
“I’m sure he will, Matthew. You’ve raised a nice strong boy to carry on God’s will,” Mr. Willis and his dad laughed while Patton internally cringed.
“Hopefully so John. I can only hope he stays in God’s light and continues to use what I taught him.”
“Amen to that Matthew. Amen to that.”

Patton tuned them out again. Eating as much as his stomach would let him handle for now. He didn’t know if he’d get another for a while. He sat back up straight after. Just in time for the daily question from his mother of, “have you heard from your soulmate?”

He took a deep breath which he could see the hopeful gleam in everyone’s eyes. He didn’t talk about his soulmate, “uhm… soulmaaaates…?” He tried to lay it down gently. The reaction was immediate.
“You are no son of mine! Get out! No better yet let me get-”
“No Matthew,” Mr. Willis grabbed Matthew before he could.
“My baby… my baby… he’s not.. He’s not…” Sarah, his mom, sobbed in Abigail’s arms. Everyone had become a stranger. Well except for Marget, “congrats Pat but you really need to go.”

Patton nodded frantically. Getting u quickly before grabbing his bag, “I’m sorry.”

“Get out!” At his father's last call of get out he bolted out the door. Tears stinging his eyes as he ran. He didn’t know where he was going but his body seemed to know where to go. Running as fast as he could first towards the woods to make them lose sight of him. 

He stopped at a sturdy tree and leaned heavily against it while catching his breath. Sliding down it as he cried out and cursed out the Heavens above. 

After calming down he said a quick prayer to repent his language towards the heavens and ask for forgiveness. Hugging his knees to his chest a moment and shivering. When did it get dark? And well cold? Slowly he forced himself out of his ball. That would get him nowhere even if it felt comforting. Patton stood shakily and started walking again. Something instinctual telling him where to go. Stumbling a bit in the dark. What time was it? Where was he going? He looked up at the stars. A soft smile at the peacefulness, “I am free.”

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