Chapter 6

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Re: Attention
Jan: Hello to you too dearest
Re: Hilo. Aren’t you at work?
Jan: Yes. Just know how you get

Re: :{P

Re: Where’s nerd?
Lo: Right here. We stopped at a gas station. I will be driving again shortly.

Re: Awwwww. Guess I’ll annoy Roturd then about why he’s screaming

Jan: Seriously?
Re: Mhm! I screamed back :{D
Jan: Of course you did
Re: Must maintain dominance >:{D
Jan: Suure. I have to get back to work but I have break in an hour

Re: Thats so looooong

Jan: You’ll survive

Lo: Based on our GPS we should arrive by 2 am. We will make one more stop for dinner and to refill our tank.

Re: You’re gonna be up at 2 am?
Lo: Possibly. My brother will be driving after dinner.
Re: Yes!
Lo: I have to go for now. I will talk to you both at dinner.
Re: Awwwww ttyl gay bitches

Logan shook his head fondly as he stepped up to the counter to pay for their snacks. Well Virgil’s snacks and energy drinks and his own water and gatorade. It was getting rather close to dinner so he didn’t want to spoil his dinner with a snack. He would need the water and gatorade to stay hydrated as well.

He walked to the car once everything was paid for. They were almost free. They were so close. Their family would never know where they were. He sighed before sliding into the driver’s side. He handed Virgil the bag before buckling his own seatbelt.

“Is something wrong?”
“Yeah?! No?!”
“Take some deep breaths Virgil,” Logan instructed, watching his brother do so, “now would you like to explain what’s going on?”
“I have another soulmate.”
“Other than ‘Ro’?”
“Other than Ro. He just said hi! Ro’s overwhelming him and-”
“You’re thinking of worst case scenarios again?” Logan slightly teases his brother while pulling out onto the road.
“Of course! Why haven’t they written before? Are they still in danger?”
“Virgil,” Logan warned, noticing his brother spiraling.
“I know, I know.”
“They will explain in due time. For now I would suggest making them feel welcome.”
“Yeah. I’ll try to calm the situation,” Virgil let out a deeper exhale, “want your Gatorade or water first?”
“Water. Also you may want to look ahead for what may be appetizing for dinner. Preferably some place we can eat inside.”
“Okay. In a minute.”
“Alright,” Logan confirmed before starting their roadtrip playlist. Virgil had spent a while on it and it should perfectly line up with when they get there if not a few seconds off. It had been an interesting blend of their differing music tastes.

Logan would often ask Virgil if he wanted to go into the more musical field. It usually ended in a splutter and a denial. He had seen it himself, Virgil’s guitar, the cds, the playlists. He was more musically inclined than Logan was, and he would give anyone hell that squashed Virgil’s dreams. Well that’s part of the reason they were here now. 

Their parents didn’t believe in anything that wasn’t profitable 100% of the time. They never had any hobbies. They forbade hobbies for their sons. Logan was able to get Virgil to do some hobbies where he had joined a band. Logan had been so proud to know they were going very far with it, then one of the members had to move away. It crushed Virgil’s heart but Logan knew that Virgil would find another group and grow just as close as before.

Virgil had picked up other hobbies but none of them stuck as well. Logan supported him in each of them and made sure their parents never found out about it. It often ended in more “punishments” but it was always worth it to see the light in his brother’s eyes and smile. His own had been dimmed a long time ago.

He set a hand on his left shoulder for a moment with a wince at the memory before exhaling slowly. No need to reminsce of something he never had. They’d be much stronger now. They’d be safer. He could finally rest with no worries or fears for whenever their parents woke up next. Just a few more hours in the car. It’d be worth it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2022 ⏰

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