Chapter 3

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TW: Anxiety, short chapter, if anything else needs to be tagged please tell me

Ro: So you will never believe what happened earlier V!
V: And what would that be?
Ro: Remember the person I was telling you about? The one that gave us cookies?
V: Yeah? What about them?
Ro: I gave them the thank you cookies and I get to take him home today!
V: What?! Ro you barely know this kid
Ro: He’s nice
V: Don’t pull that
Ro: If anything happens I have my family. He needed somewhere to go and I could provide it
V: Just be careful
Ro: I will. Talk to you later V!
V: Talk to you later Ro

Patton read the newest writing at lunch. Okay. This was more than a coincidence now. He took a deep breath. He needed to give them some sort of sign he was there but maybe it was better to ask Roman about it. Maybe he could help and not judge for it. Patton glanced around the cafeteria to try and find Roman with no results. He sighed in defeat before yelping at hands touching his shoulders.
“No need to be so jumpy padre,” Roman teased him before he moved his hands back down to his sides with slight worry for Patton.
“Sorry…” Patton looked away and held his soul book closed and close to his chest.
“No need to apologize.” Roman attempted to look over his shoulder anyway. “You talking to your soulmate?”
“Uh… no… not exactly.” He held his book a little more protectively.
“Why not?”
“I just… I can’t say…”
“Are you okay?”
Patton answered a little too quickly and excitedly with a: “Of course!”
“Patton don’t lie to me.” Roman put a hand on his hip dramatically. “What’s going on?”
“I-” He started to say before nothing else would come out and he shut his mouth.
“I’m not ready to talk about that. I’m sorry.”
“Are you in any danger?” He moved to squat next to Patton to look at his face.
Patton shook his head quickly, “no. Not anymore. Thank you again for letting me stay with you.”
Roman smiled, “of course! Now can you talk to your soulmate?”
“No…” Patton glanced at the book in his hands sadly.
“Why not? I mean you have a pen and your book so what are you waiting for?” Roman asked a bit too excitedly that startled Patton slightly.
“Well… it’s been a while and they look happy now. Besides I don’t want to get rejected for-” Patton cut himself off and shook his head with tears welling in his eyes.
“Hey,” Roman set a comforting hand on his shoulder, “I’m sure they’ll wanna talk to you. If they don’t you still have me at least! I’ll have to talk to my soulmate first but I’m sure we can work it out.”
“Really?” Patton glanced up at Roman.
“Really. The bell’s about to ring so better clean up a little. I’ll see you at J wing when the final bell rings?” He questioned with an extended pinky for him to take.
Patton smiled and nodded before interlocking their pinkies, “see you then.”
Roman smiled brightly with yet another nod before slipping away once more into the sea of people. Patton sighed happily and wiped his face with his sleeves. Things were finally looking up for him. He did however pull out his book and the pen. He flipped to the page with a bunch of red drawings with purple remarks and drew a very small light blue heart with a smile. He hoped Roman was right. The bell rang and he went to the next class with his head held higher and a smile on his face.

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