Chapter 2

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TW: Mentioned cutting, not eating (not by choice), if anything else needs to be tagged please tell me

He didn’t know how long he had been walking when he came up to the school. It was still dark but the school seemed like a safe place to stay. Especially with class tomorrow. Only problem was the alarms so people didn’t go in uninvited or when it wasn’t time or whatever reason they were told this year. Patton yawned but leaned against a tree still out of sight from the cameras or people when they arrived and picked some sticks out of his hair. He was absolutely exhausted and dehydrated but he couldn’t rest yet. Not with school in how long? He had turned off his phone to keep the battery charged even if it wouldn’t work soon with his parents turning off his line. What did he just get himself into? Besides who could he call? He didn’t have any friends at this school he could rely on. Well not yet anyway. He hoped to make some soon. Could he hide in the locker rooms after school? Maybe? Last resort. He’d have to start eating in the lunchroom which was better than nothing. Patton let out a yawn before stretching, wincing at the soreness the action brings. He was pretty sure he twisted his ankle on a root but there wasn’t much he could do about that right now. He’d survive. It’d hurt but it wouldn’t kill him, right? He shook his head to rid himself of the thought before feeling the telltale feeling that someone had written in the book. Patton moved that backpack to his lap before opening it to get out his book and read it. Now he didn’t feel as alone even if he was all alone in the woods, in the dark, and with no sort of water. He scanned the lines given which weren’t that much but it felt like enough to him. If he went back and commented on previous statements would they notice?

Ro; Hey V… You up? I-
V; Yeah I’m up princey. What’s going on?
Ro; I… nvm
V; No. No nvm tell me
Ro; Just a bad feeling and arguments again
V; You’re not hurt are you?
Ro; No! I’m fine just thoughts
V; Just don’t fall asleep writing again. Remember-
Ro; Yeah yeah I remember. Don’t have to bring it up
V; I can feel your pout from here. Remember though-
Ro; I know. Just don’t leave me alone right now.

Ro; I’m sorry I’m supposed to be your prince no-
V; You don’t have to be all the time. Beside you’re already my prince and even princes need saving sometimes
Ro; Thanks V
V; Of course. Got the butterflies?
Ro; Yep! Ones even purple your special color. No harm shall befall any of them
V; You are so cheesy
Ro; You love me thooo
V; That I do. That I do
Ro; Didn’t you say you were moving?
V; Hm? Yeah. Moving in with my brother. Still in the car with him. I should arrive tomorrow morning
Ro; Really hope its here so I can make good on my promises!
V; I wanna see you try but we’ll see. Maybe
Ro; Someday I’ll find you my love but I have to get up in an hour for school so Imma go to sleep
V; Sleep well. Talk to you later

Patton gently moved his fingers across the writing. So it was about 5 am. Not enough time to actually get enough sleep but enough to get ready. School started at 8:15 am but most showed up between 7:20 and 8:30 am. The halls didn’t open to students till 8 so he had 3 hours. 3 hours to look presentable and not look like he had just been kicked out and had been travelling all night. Did he take a detour? He didn’t remember the path taking that long. Well maybe it was the constant tripping or the slow pace due to not being able to see. Eitherway. Maybe there was a little house in the woods he could stay in for a little bit. That’d be too easy though. He sighed softly but slowly got up off the ground with a wince. Using this time to actually clean up a bit. He didn’t feel safe or comfortable changing in public eye. The sun was coming up now so it should be safe to go to the cafeteria to get something for breakfast. Maybe he’d see Roman again. Roman seemed trustworthy so maybe he could help a bit. He sighed softly before starting the trek up to the school, limping due to his twisted ankle. 

Ro; Hey V
V; Shouldn’t you be in class?
Ro; I aaaaaam
V; Then why are you writing to me. You’re going to get in trouble
Ro; It's fine just wanted to say thanks anyway for earlier. I’ll talk to you at lunch V!

Patton sighs and shuts his soulbook after reading the messages. Looking over at the male who just shut his soulbook not even three desks away in red pen. Roman Kingston. Well there was a small chance it wasn’t him. But what if it was? What would that be like? Patton shook his head slightly to rid himself of that thought. No. He had a mission. He needed to talk to Roman about staying with him for a few nights until he found some other place. Then maybe he’d finally write to his soulmates. Hopefully they wouldn’t be too upset. He didn’t ever want to hurt them. Patton sighed softly and waited for the bells to ring.

When the bells finally rang Patton stood and walked over to Roman. He held one arm in a hand as he waited nervously. Roman seemed to light up at seeing him before pulling out a container. He pushed through the crowd to get to Patton with that brilliant smile that almost made his heart skip a beat.
“Patton! I’ve been looking for a time to give this to you. It’s mama’s recipe. It’s in thanks for the cookies yesterday,” Roman moved to hand him the cookies that Patton hesitantly took.
“Thank you. Can I ask a favor?” He asked nervously while holding the tin with two hands.
“Of course! What is it?”
“Can I stay with you for a few nights?”
“Did something happen?” Roman’s face dropped into one of concern yet seriousness.
“Yes… It won’t be long if-”
“Nonsense! You can stay as long as you like. Mama loves visitors. Just meet me and my… brother out by J wing.”
“Are you sure?”
“Positive! I’ll text Mama later. I’ll talk to you later,” he smiles with a wave before leaving to his locker. Patton stood still for a moment with a smaller fonder smile. He pulls the cookies closer with a mutter of, “see you later.” He then walks out to head to class. One more block till lunch.

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