Chapter 4

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Tw: Anxiety/Depression, ignoring one's own health, Remusy jokes, 2 things of Caps, if I need to tag anything else let me know

Ro: V! V! V!
V: What?
Ro: Did you see it yet?
V: See what? I’ve been a little busy
Ro: We do have another soulmate!
V: What?
Ro: Yeah! Remember when I wouldn’t stop drawing on one of the pages
V: I think so
Ro: Go look!
V: Okay okay. One sec
Ro: I await with bated breath
V: Oh hush
Ro: Never

V: Wait. No. Holy shit
Ro: I know right?! We have a third!
V: Okay so what do we do
V: NO! Not that!
Ro: What? I’m just greeting them
V: That might overwhelm them
Ro: Oh riiight

Ro: I can hear your sigh from here
V: Shush. Do you think they can respond now?
Ro: I don’t know but Imma doodle something for them to place more hearts near
V: Okay you do that princey. I’ll look back later. I gotta drive while my brother makes a call
Ro: Okay Count Woelof. I shall talk with you soon then
V: Bye Princey
Ro: Goodbyyee

Patton was now panicking. He thought it would take them longer than that to find out he even wrote to them. Did Roman know? Was Roman even his soulmate? He fiddled with the pen as he watched the artistry come to life. One of the drawings looked like Roman in a prince suit holding someone else. He couldn’t tell who it was but maybe that was the point of it. It was still beautiful but he wasn’t ready just yet to write to them. He wanted to have a bit more confidence in what to say. He didn’t know what to say. Did he introduce himself? Did he just go as far back in the book as he could and vent out everything to why he couldn’t talk to them and that he understood if they didn’t want to talk to him? He was spiraling in his last class and he had no idea how to stop it.

He shut the book and put it away. He tried to resist the pull to bring it back out and look at the art on the pages. A few more minutes and he would be meeting Roman at J wing. A few more minutes and he’d get to go to a house, take a shower, maybe eat a nice meal, and talk with a new friend. Patton takes a deep breath and slowly exhales. He tries to focus on the lesson but couldn’t help the pull back to his soulmates. 

Would they be afraid? Will they be accepting? He hoped so. Then his thoughts drifted to a sort of dance with Roman. The dance is reminiscent of the art he saw in the book. A soft gentle tune carried by the soft breeze against their skin. A soft flitting laugh as he’s dipped gently and smiling at their other partner watching them on the blanket before getting up. 

And- the bell ringing snaps Patton out of his daydream violently. He shivers at the loss of his daydream but he gets up anyway. He walks over to J wing where he was supposed to meet Roman. And Roman’s brother? He didn’t realize Roman had a brother. Patton walked quickly so he wasn’t late to meet them. It took him a few minutes to get there but he didn’t see Roman. Did he leave without him? 

No. That answer came clear as day when someone charged at him and stood a few centimeters away from himself with a grin from ear to ear. Someone else’s thundering footsteps not far behind but they stopped a bit further away with ragged breathing from running. Patton slowly leaned away from the person in his face as they turned to look at the other person, grin still ever present.
“Now come on Roturd it wasn’t even that far of a run,” the stranger cackles.
Roman’s breathing was still coming out a bit harsher, “I.. had to... chase you… around the entirety... of E block!”
“See not that far!” The other teases Roman and moves out of reach when Roman moves to swipe at them, cackling all the while.
“Uhm…” Patton starts while looking at Roman for an explanation who holds a finger up for a second. When he’s ready Roman stands back up and moves to tame his hair, “this is my twin brother, and pain in the ass, Remus.”
Remus licks his hand and swipes it up Patton’s arm, who screeches and jumps away.
“I should’ve warned you beforehand,” Roman sighs heavily, “anyway he’ll be in the back seat. Do you have everything you need?”
“Not really… It’s all hidden in the woods though,” Patton looked over sorrowfully from where he emerged just this morning.
“I’ll have Remus get it for you. I got you an ice pack from the nurse,” he pulls the ice pack out of the bag and hands it to Patton.
“What is this for?”
“Oh, your ankle is swollen,” Roman interrupts Remus’s dirty joke and shoos him off to go get the bags.
Patton glanced down at it and shrugged slightly, “I didn’t even notice. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. Would you like me to carry you to the car?”
“You really don’t have to do that for me.”
“I know but I would like to if you’ll let me. You really shouldn’t be putting any weight on that ankle anyway,” Roman explained gently.
“Oh. Well sure?” Patton tentatively answered before a small shout of surprise at being lifted with ease. He quickly clung onto Roman who was laughing fondly at him.
“Didn’t think I could do it?” Roman teased.
“Well I can! Obviously. To the car!” Roman declared and walked over to the car where Remus was waiting impatiently.

“Took you long enough!”
“I swear you’re not human,” Roman huffed at his brother before setting Patton down next to the door.
“You’ll never know,” Remus stuck his tongue out at his brother before he climbed into the back seat with all of Patton’s things.

Roman sighed and shook his head, “he’ll leave us alone when we get home,” he opened the door for Patton, ignoring Remus’ maniacal giggling in the back. Patton gave him a small thankful nod and climbed into the passenger seat.
Remus snickered and hit Patton’s shoulder with a book, “this seems important,” he teased. Patton snatched his soulbook from Remus’ hands and held it close. Remus couldn’t see into it of course but he still didn’t want anyone to touch it.

“Everything okay?” Roman asked when he got in the driver’s seat.
“Yeah!” Patton piped up a bit too chipperly. Remus only laughed.
“Alright? Homeward bound!”

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