the training

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Place: Training room, red base.
Time: 48 hours before ejection.

Spy smoothly pushed an car to scout wich contained some glasses and an bucket of fried chicken. Scout grabbed the bucket and said 'hey, good looking. I've got a bucket of chicken...'. He couldn't finish his sentence or spy slapped him in his face and said: 'I'm not one of your fried chicken friends. I'm a woman, I like my my most dangerous, mysterious. You want to be my mother? Earn it. SEDUCE ME.'

They trained a lot with good and bad moments like demoman got a fork in his, lucky for him, eyepatch.

Location: Trainingroom, redbase.
Time: 2 hours before ejection.

A bright light suddenly appeared from the lamps. Spy asked 'final question. You've a meeting for 7. What time do you arrive?'. Scout answered '7 am. Trying to look for a good map. Can the captain of the expedition be trusted, no, I've to gotta kill him and replace him for my own guy'. 'You're ready' said spy. Scout surprised said 'really?'. Spy said suddenly 'no, everything you just said was sus. Congratulations, you're suspicious' as he holded 2 glasses of whisky. Scout said 'Oh, so I failed'. Spy said 'yes'. 'Did i'. 'Yes'. 'Did i'. 'Scout, where's this going?'. Scout said 'where this is going. I don't need you spy, I'll handle this on my own'. Spy pointed at the ejection timer and scout said 'Oh crap, gotta go. Still, f*ck you though' and then he pressed a button which said sabotage and a alarm sounded. At that time we're medic and engineer running experiments with cake. They teleported a cake that already was teleported and when it came out the exit, it started the wiggle and make sounds. Then it jumped at medic and tried to bite him with his teeth he gained.

To be continued...

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