To be continued

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I use the "To be continued" chapters to tell you it has to be continued, obviously, and warn you that this is the last chapter for now, so you can close the book without getting an add ;)

Also, remember, I don't always write the "Author notes", but when I do, I do it in the comments section at the end of the chapter, that's because I dont want to get the reader attention away from the story, so yeah, check it out if you see any comment

Update, 07/03/2022: Well... I won't be surprised at this point if every one of my readers forgot about me ;)

But I'm back! I didn't quite have the time to write or even think about the story in this whole year... I had to finish high school for good, and I finally did :D

Now that I'm finally free, I will start to write again!

In the next days, I'm probably gonna think about how to keep the story going, since I'll also have to read it again from the beginning to actually remember what I wanted it to go on. That's also because, rn, I'm writing just to let you know that I'm back, since I cut my finger very badly, and I should let it heal before starting to write. But I'll try to start translating the chapters from the ita story so that you can have some content while I think of new ideas.

That said, I'm still thinking about the black pearl project, since I want to finish this one first, but I think I'll do it. My love and passion for Steven Universe came back by rewatching it, so I'm very exited rn!

I'll keep you updated, see ya soon :D

Update, 07/05/2022: Hey guys, just a quick update! My finger actually healed... I have no idea how, I thought it would have taken at least a week or two... Well, it still didn't perfectly heal actually, but now I'm writing with no pain so, maaaaaybe I could publish something tomorrow :D I really hope to do so... Anyways, today I finished my rewatch of the first five seasons of SU, and I love the show even more than the first time I watched it! I'll rewatch the movie and future as soon as I can, and I know I'll cry again over the ending... Well, that said, see ya soon :)

Update, 07/05/2022: Here it is! I finally got my hand on this story again and I'm SO HAPPY ABOUT IT! Now, it does feel hard, since it's been so long, since my writing style kinda changed, since it is so hot that my fingers are almost melting with the keyboard... But still, I'm glad to be back! Expect updates in the next days, byeee :D

Update, 07/19/2022: Quick update just to say... THANK YOU! Even after all this time, and even after my lomg... LOOOONG absence, you guys are still reading my story. And for that, I will never thank you enough. To every single one of you, i love you guys. I'll think of something to celebrate us when I finish the story. Expect a new chapter within tomorrow, bye ;)

Update, 07/25/2022: Sorry for the absence, I wanted to give you a chapter or 2 in these days but turns out, I'm literally fucked. I have lots of stuff to do, and I have no idea how I'm going to do all of that... Still, I'll try my best to keep the chapter schedule as usual. See ya soon :)

Update, 08/15/2022: still overwhelmed with stuff to do, I'll try to keep writing soon but no idea when I will get a regular shedule

Update, 08/27/2022: sorry I didn't write anything for this long, I've been both busy and not in the mood to write. I'll get back to work soon, probably by the second week of September... also, wish me luck, I'm gonna confess to the one I love soon! I'll tell you how it went when I go come back, bye ;)

Update, 10/17/2022: Again, sorry. I haven't updated you because this period has been... Awful. Everything has gone wrong. And yes, the girl I loved obviously said no, but she decided to destroy everything we had, even our great friendship. And this is just one of the infinite amount of bad things that happened until now. So yeah, I still need time. i may try to write soon but I don't want to make promises I can't keep. Still, I will NEVER discontinue this story. I WILL give it an ending, sooner or later, I promise. And this is a promise I WON'T break. So, hope y'all are having a better time than me. See ya.

Update, 12/12/2022: Hey guys, how are you? If there's someone who's still reading this. After a huge struggle to even live these past months, i'm finally getting better. I'm slowly regaining my confidence and hope. So, being a very impulsive and chaotic dude when it comes to doing stuff (or just about anything at this point) I will start writing again in a month or two (or maybe even today, I'm pretty unpredictable). Also, expect to notice life is strange Easter eggs since I've played the whole series this month and it instantly became my favorite game. So, if anyone will keep reading my story (which I doubt), sorry for all this time you had to wait, I hope I'll be able to make it up to you with the next chapters. Se ya soon :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2022 ⏰

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